Saturday 18 February 2017

Should i install Linux or Windows on my computer??

Hey, geeks welcome back to my blog. Today, we will be focusing on which operating system should one choose i.e, linux or windows.

Should i go with Linux or Windows?????
This question somewhere stuck in our mind and we just trap into a mumbo jumbo situation where we cant resolve our query.

So, today i am here to resolve your issue.
In a simple word , i would say both windows as well as Linux is good but that totally depends upon your need.
So, let me tell you separately about them.
Windows:  So, if you are a person who just want to get their job done normally like doing normal tasks on your computer like preparing a project with Ms word, office, excel, power point, Photoshop, watching video, listening songs, using internet and surfing the web, printing some documents etc so , windows is a platform for you. It's totally user friendly. Easy to operate due to totally graphical framework that it provides us. It's easy to troubleshoot some issue on windows due it's graphical framework i.e , you open some windows click on some radio button or any button and get the job done and if not then to fix the issue you install some random bug fixing software open up the software , install it by clicking next > next > i accept > next > install that's it.

 Linux  Well, now chapters are different here. Frankly speaking this is for the person who belongs to technical field. Who do programming, hacking i.e who work on coding. They should defiantly choose Linux. Kali linux is the best version of linux that i would recommend one if, he/she wanna start their career as a professional hacker. So, its totally command based operating system. You have to handle it by the knowledge of your programming. It also provides you a list of ethical hacking program where you can test penetration testing. You can also try backtrack linux. It's very difficult to troubleshoot problem of linux because you need to fire up terminal and give some bunch of command to troubleshoot the issue. Even installing, downloading, updating, removing a software/package you are gonna use terminal and give it some commands to get the job done.

So, now it must be clear to you that working with linux are not for them who does not belong to technical field.

So, what you should choose that depends upon your need. For technical person , i would advice Linux and for normal user who just use computer for normal working should use windows. Hence, i told earlier that both are good but that depends upon your need.

So, guys that's it for today. Time to wrap up the show. I will be back soon with another technical aspect.

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