Friday 24 February 2017

Can i use my mobile phone while it's lightning??

Hello and welcome you all to my blog. Today, i am gonna discuss that using phone while it's lightning is safe or not. Most of the people say that we should not use our phone while it's lightning outside. So, first of all i would like to say after reading many articles that there is no any interconnection between lightning and mobile phones.
A lightning is a huge flow of electricity from one part of cloud to another or from cloud to earth. This flow occurs due to unbalancing of positive charge particles as well as negative charge particles present in the atmosphere.voltage in the power supply used in most countries are only around 110 volts or 230 volts. But the voltages generated while lightning is of the order of hundreds of thousands of volts - a thousand times higher!

So, you can use your cell phone while it's lightning. But as we know while it's lightning, we should not to go outside, stand near pond or a long pole or tree because then chance of getting shock from lightning becomes more because they all act as conductor for electricity i.e, they give a path to electricity to go through them easily. So, better not to commit any mistakes like these.

Also if, the phone we are using a landline phone then we should not use it while lightning because a landline phone is a wired channel phone i.e, it has wire of conductor so, if lightning strikes on the electric pole of your home connection then you may get shocked while using landline phone or even using any electric appliances at that time because lightning strike electric pole will directly reach to your home electric appliances through wire so, imagine you are taking shower, watching tv, using landline phone, using your computer, etc can be more dangerous for you.
So, lightning and mobile phone i.e, cordless phones have no connection but lightning and landline phones or any home electric appliances have direct connection in between them. So, better to be safe because safety comes first.
So, guys i think, by reading the post you must be having idea about in how many ways lightning may strike you. So, better to avoid those causes.

Extra Knowledge about lightning:

Florida, Texas, Colorado, Georgia, New Jersey, North Carolina, Arizona, Missouri, Alabama, and Pennsylvania have the most lightning deaths and injuries. Florida is considered the "lightning capital" of the country, with more than 2,000 lightning injuries over the past 50 years.
During 2004–2013, lightning caused an average of 33 deaths per year in the United states

So, that's it for today, will be back soon. Please like, share and subscribe.

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