Monday 20 February 2017

How my television works??

Hey, geeks welcome you all to another different post of mine. Today, i will be explaining you how our home remote of television works? What are the process going behind our clicking some random buttons on remote and then getting the job done according to the instruction that one gives tv (television) to preform. Okey, enough said, let's get straightly to the business.
Take up a real life example, when we tell (give signal in voice form) someone to sing a song for us and the person whom we request to sing listen our request from ear the his/her mind fetches that request and then his/her lips sing song and we then listen the song back.

So, here similar thing happens between remote and tv. Remote, which is a infrared remote also called as IR (Infra Red) remote request the tv for some operation that is chosen by user then remote gives a request signal to our tv in the form of infrared signal and tv catches those requests and then processes the request for us. Remote has DC battery which helps to emit the electrical signal and this signal is converted electrical signal into pulses of IR waves for wireless transmission of signal.

A tv remote works on Infra red Light which is invisible electromagnetic wave to human eyes. Human eyes can't detect infrared, so even if you press the buttons on your remote and stare at the LED you won't see anything happening. Some animals, including rattlesnakes, can detect infrared.
An infrared transmitter i.e, LED (Light Emitting Diode) is found at the front of the remote which sends out the pulses of infrared light that pulses represent some specific binary numbers. beam of infrared radiation travels from the remote to your TV at the speed of light and the  infra red detector picks it up. A transmitter is an electronic device which is used to transmit signal.


These binary numbers are nothing but the command that is provided by remote to our tv to perform some certain task like volume up, volume down, power on, power off, etc.
TVs has an infrared receiver inside it which catches these signals and then decodes the pulses into it's binary equivalent number i.e in the form of 0's and 1's to make the microprocessor understand that what kind of activity user wanna do. So, it may be like if you are pressing the mute button then that may be equal to binary strings 10001111 or pressing the power off button may be equal to 00011010. 
Some remote works better than than the other which depends upon the strength of LED transmitter.
But that does not mean that by sitting inside of our home, we can switch on or control the tv of our neighbors because infrared light are low powered signal which can not penetrate the wall and goes out like radio waves.
So, when we push say "volume-up" button from remote then it first causes the circuit on board of remote to complete and when a circuit related to volume-up button gets completed in remote then IC (Integrated Circuit) detects this and sends the volume-up command in binary form to the LED which is found at the front of the remote and then further this LED sends out infra red pulses or signal that corresponds to volume-up command i.e say,  Volume-up  = 00010010

Then, IR (Infrared receiver) on tv picks up this signal and verify it from it's corresponding address in the machine and then converts the light pulses back to electrical signal from the binary numbers and then it passes the signal to microprocessor and then we see volume has been increased.
IR remote has a specific range of working area i.e, about 30 feet or 10 meters and it can transmit signal via a wall or around a corner. We have to just point out the remote straight to the TV only. IR receiver of tv only responds to a particular wavelength and frequency. A typical RF remote might operate in the frequency range 400–450 MHz.
So, i do think you all have idea about the working method of your tv and remote. So, i will be back soon with another tutorial. Till then, Good Bye..!!

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