Monday 27 February 2017

What is mobile ussd code and why it brought into action??

Hey, viewers today, we will discuss what is ussd and why it was brought in action. Well, frankly speaking it is mainly used to reduce or to save time. In previous time, when a cell phone user was wanted to check his mobile balance or validity then he/she had to call to Interactive Voice Response (IVR) which is an automated telephony system that interacts with callers, gathers information and routes calls to the appropriate recipient. So, people were needed to call to IVR and the had to keep on hold for sometimes and then he/she was able to know their balance. But, we know time is money and we don't wanna waste it. So, what if you immediately want to check your balance, validity. So, that's why ussd came into existence.
USSD is short form of unstructured supplementary service data.The codes which directly communicate with the server of telecom company is called as the USSD.
USSD is a code starting from * and ending up with # sign. For example, to check balance we type *125#, *367#, *111# etc that is different for different mobile operator.

So, as soon you just dial your ussd code, you immediately get  information. So, it saves a lot of time. Now a days, ussd codes are used for mobile banking, money transferring etc. In foreign country, ussd code is used even to locate current GPS location, nearest hotels, restaurants etc.

Extra Knowledge regarding ussd:  I will give you a small trick regarding ussd. Suppose you dial say *121# and you see list of options with different services i.e, Local Calls, Pocket Internet, SMS etc. Now, let's say in option 1 you are having SMS plans. So, inspite of dialing *121# and then selecting 1 then click on "OK", you can directly dial *121*1# to get the job done. But, sometimes the operator may change or update their ussd list. So, say previously in option 1 after dialing *121#, there was sms plan, it may happen that there may be some caller tune activating service, so your balance can get deducted due to activating that service. So, make sure that your ussd plan has not changed.

So, that's it for today guys, will be back soon. Please like, share & subscribe.

Friday 24 February 2017

Can i use my mobile phone while it's lightning??

Hello and welcome you all to my blog. Today, i am gonna discuss that using phone while it's lightning is safe or not. Most of the people say that we should not use our phone while it's lightning outside. So, first of all i would like to say after reading many articles that there is no any interconnection between lightning and mobile phones.
A lightning is a huge flow of electricity from one part of cloud to another or from cloud to earth. This flow occurs due to unbalancing of positive charge particles as well as negative charge particles present in the atmosphere.voltage in the power supply used in most countries are only around 110 volts or 230 volts. But the voltages generated while lightning is of the order of hundreds of thousands of volts - a thousand times higher!

So, you can use your cell phone while it's lightning. But as we know while it's lightning, we should not to go outside, stand near pond or a long pole or tree because then chance of getting shock from lightning becomes more because they all act as conductor for electricity i.e, they give a path to electricity to go through them easily. So, better not to commit any mistakes like these.

Also if, the phone we are using a landline phone then we should not use it while lightning because a landline phone is a wired channel phone i.e, it has wire of conductor so, if lightning strikes on the electric pole of your home connection then you may get shocked while using landline phone or even using any electric appliances at that time because lightning strike electric pole will directly reach to your home electric appliances through wire so, imagine you are taking shower, watching tv, using landline phone, using your computer, etc can be more dangerous for you.
So, lightning and mobile phone i.e, cordless phones have no connection but lightning and landline phones or any home electric appliances have direct connection in between them. So, better to be safe because safety comes first.
So, guys i think, by reading the post you must be having idea about in how many ways lightning may strike you. So, better to avoid those causes.

Extra Knowledge about lightning:

Florida, Texas, Colorado, Georgia, New Jersey, North Carolina, Arizona, Missouri, Alabama, and Pennsylvania have the most lightning deaths and injuries. Florida is considered the "lightning capital" of the country, with more than 2,000 lightning injuries over the past 50 years.
During 2004–2013, lightning caused an average of 33 deaths per year in the United states

So, that's it for today, will be back soon. Please like, share and subscribe.

Wednesday 22 February 2017

How to erase yourself completely from internet?

Hi friends, today we will see how we can erase ourselves from the internet by one clicking.
So, you all must be having so many accounts registered by your email id over the internet.
 But, what if you have registered yourself on a website which is very weak as far as security is concerned and also if, you are using the same password there which you are having with another websites like,, etc. So, imagine if an attacker hacks your account which you have registered over that weak website and now he is having that password which he can use to log in into your another account. So, that can be pretty much dangerous for you. So, better not to use the same password for the several accounts over the internet. So, i am gonna tell you that how you can delete yours unnecessary account from some vulnerable websites. So, first go to the website named as "" then sign in using your gmail or your yahoo account then the website will show you the list of the accounts which are associated with your mail id. So, from there you can also monitor yourself on the internet and also you can simply delete your unnecessary accounts over the internet because some times we ourselves don't know that how many accounts we have made using our email id.
So, this can be a pretty much interesting tool to monitor yourself over the internet as well as to delete yourself from the internet.So, guys go and use that website. It's safe and handy to use.

So, i am off for now and will be back soon till then you take a good care of yourself and please don't forget to like, share and subscribe our blog.

Link of the site:>>

Tuesday 21 February 2017

What is Domain Flipping and how can i make money out of it?

Hello everyone today, i am gonna discuss about something called as "Domain Flipping". So, what is it and how you can make money out of it? So, if you are interested in making money online then this post is for you.

Well, we all know about domain name and how they work. Every website has domain name like,, so, these are some famous domains over the internet. Let's take one example like "" so, here "" is the address or domain name of the host computer and "/content/report/data/index.html" is path of the file. Also note that when a web address ends with slash (/) like "" and not end with .html or .php extension then the web server typically default to a file in current directory named "index.html" or "index.php". So, in that case if we type in url bar of our browser as "" or "" then we will get the same web page in both cases.

Well, coming back to domain flipping so,we know that we can purchase any domain name if it is not reserved by anyone else previously. So, if we purchase a domain with name as say "". So, now this domain name is purchased by us and suppose, we register this domain name for selling in any domain selling website like , ,etc now, suppose after some times if, anyone wants to start a website with the same domain name which is owned by us i.e"" so, if he tries to buy that domain name then he will see that the domain name is already owned by someone else so, he will then contact us to sell domain name to him then if we have purchased that domain name with say 200 rs only then we can demand an amount of 200000 rs even to him and he will have to give that amount to us because say, he wanna start a company which will sell study material to it's visitor and thus website of his company must be similar with that profession so, it may be similar with the name of our domain and thus he will have to buy that domain in order to enhance his business by enhancing the traffic on both website of the company as well as to his company too.
So, that's how you can make money by just purchasing a domain name which you think can be in demand by someone in future and the sell that domain with an amount may be 10 to 100 times more than the cost price of domain and this is called "DOMAIN FLIPPING".
So, guys that's it for today, we will be back soon with another technical aspect.

Monday 20 February 2017

How my television works??

Hey, geeks welcome you all to another different post of mine. Today, i will be explaining you how our home remote of television works? What are the process going behind our clicking some random buttons on remote and then getting the job done according to the instruction that one gives tv (television) to preform. Okey, enough said, let's get straightly to the business.
Take up a real life example, when we tell (give signal in voice form) someone to sing a song for us and the person whom we request to sing listen our request from ear the his/her mind fetches that request and then his/her lips sing song and we then listen the song back.

So, here similar thing happens between remote and tv. Remote, which is a infrared remote also called as IR (Infra Red) remote request the tv for some operation that is chosen by user then remote gives a request signal to our tv in the form of infrared signal and tv catches those requests and then processes the request for us. Remote has DC battery which helps to emit the electrical signal and this signal is converted electrical signal into pulses of IR waves for wireless transmission of signal.

A tv remote works on Infra red Light which is invisible electromagnetic wave to human eyes. Human eyes can't detect infrared, so even if you press the buttons on your remote and stare at the LED you won't see anything happening. Some animals, including rattlesnakes, can detect infrared.
An infrared transmitter i.e, LED (Light Emitting Diode) is found at the front of the remote which sends out the pulses of infrared light that pulses represent some specific binary numbers. beam of infrared radiation travels from the remote to your TV at the speed of light and the  infra red detector picks it up. A transmitter is an electronic device which is used to transmit signal.


These binary numbers are nothing but the command that is provided by remote to our tv to perform some certain task like volume up, volume down, power on, power off, etc.
TVs has an infrared receiver inside it which catches these signals and then decodes the pulses into it's binary equivalent number i.e in the form of 0's and 1's to make the microprocessor understand that what kind of activity user wanna do. So, it may be like if you are pressing the mute button then that may be equal to binary strings 10001111 or pressing the power off button may be equal to 00011010. 
Some remote works better than than the other which depends upon the strength of LED transmitter.
But that does not mean that by sitting inside of our home, we can switch on or control the tv of our neighbors because infrared light are low powered signal which can not penetrate the wall and goes out like radio waves.
So, when we push say "volume-up" button from remote then it first causes the circuit on board of remote to complete and when a circuit related to volume-up button gets completed in remote then IC (Integrated Circuit) detects this and sends the volume-up command in binary form to the LED which is found at the front of the remote and then further this LED sends out infra red pulses or signal that corresponds to volume-up command i.e say,  Volume-up  = 00010010

Then, IR (Infrared receiver) on tv picks up this signal and verify it from it's corresponding address in the machine and then converts the light pulses back to electrical signal from the binary numbers and then it passes the signal to microprocessor and then we see volume has been increased.
IR remote has a specific range of working area i.e, about 30 feet or 10 meters and it can transmit signal via a wall or around a corner. We have to just point out the remote straight to the TV only. IR receiver of tv only responds to a particular wavelength and frequency. A typical RF remote might operate in the frequency range 400–450 MHz.
So, i do think you all have idea about the working method of your tv and remote. So, i will be back soon with another tutorial. Till then, Good Bye..!!

Saturday 18 February 2017

Should i install Linux or Windows on my computer??

Hey, geeks welcome back to my blog. Today, we will be focusing on which operating system should one choose i.e, linux or windows.

Should i go with Linux or Windows?????
This question somewhere stuck in our mind and we just trap into a mumbo jumbo situation where we cant resolve our query.

So, today i am here to resolve your issue.
In a simple word , i would say both windows as well as Linux is good but that totally depends upon your need.
So, let me tell you separately about them.
Windows:  So, if you are a person who just want to get their job done normally like doing normal tasks on your computer like preparing a project with Ms word, office, excel, power point, Photoshop, watching video, listening songs, using internet and surfing the web, printing some documents etc so , windows is a platform for you. It's totally user friendly. Easy to operate due to totally graphical framework that it provides us. It's easy to troubleshoot some issue on windows due it's graphical framework i.e , you open some windows click on some radio button or any button and get the job done and if not then to fix the issue you install some random bug fixing software open up the software , install it by clicking next > next > i accept > next > install that's it.

 Linux  Well, now chapters are different here. Frankly speaking this is for the person who belongs to technical field. Who do programming, hacking i.e who work on coding. They should defiantly choose Linux. Kali linux is the best version of linux that i would recommend one if, he/she wanna start their career as a professional hacker. So, its totally command based operating system. You have to handle it by the knowledge of your programming. It also provides you a list of ethical hacking program where you can test penetration testing. You can also try backtrack linux. It's very difficult to troubleshoot problem of linux because you need to fire up terminal and give some bunch of command to troubleshoot the issue. Even installing, downloading, updating, removing a software/package you are gonna use terminal and give it some commands to get the job done.

So, now it must be clear to you that working with linux are not for them who does not belong to technical field.

So, what you should choose that depends upon your need. For technical person , i would advice Linux and for normal user who just use computer for normal working should use windows. Hence, i told earlier that both are good but that depends upon your need.

So, guys that's it for today. Time to wrap up the show. I will be back soon with another technical aspect.

Thursday 16 February 2017

What is and why its so important??

Hey geek, today we are gonna see that how the stuff works on your browser itself, be it google chrome or IE or Mozilla Firefox, safari etc.
So, we all usually listen the phrase with that "There is no place like" . So, today we will be focusing the mystery behind it.

So, guys as we all say that there is no place in the world like home , so, its far similar like that. As, in our home we are free to move anywhere, free to do the things that we want to do in any manner. So, also called as Localhost which is nothing but your own computer's network. So, if you crack it, there is no any risk with that because you are the owner of your own network. As, we know  computer or any network devices always communicate with each other with the ip addresses assign to them. IP (Internet Protocol) is simply the address of a network device in network area without which any network device can not jump into and play with network field. Network is simply the path that are taken by information which are sent in between network devices. Like, if we send an image to our friend's pc/phone then information here is an image which gonna take some path and finally reaches our friend's pc/phone so, that path is nothing but the network.
So, Localhost is the address of your own system. It's called loopback because information that is sent out to this address i.e,  instead of going out , it connects to your own machine itself i.e loop back to your own machine and hence it is called Loopback address. So, this address is actually used to establishing an ip connection to the same machine which sends the connection request. So, it is like a circle starting from a point and ending on the same point.
The ip address comes under class A ip address of IP version 4 and it's the last entry of class A ip address and having range of to So, ip address in this range are used in loopback testing purpose and is the network address of this range.
So, if you connect to or 0r and so on,  all will be get connected to your local machine or local host. So, open your browser and type in the url box or, it will lead you to localhost but you have to enable localhost first on your system.
Importance of

1) For testing your NIC (Network Interface Card)  If , you are wondering that your NIC does not work then open cmd and start pinging the localhost. That is, open up cmd and type this command
ping (hit enter)
If the ping request goes up to one layer then fetches back to your own pc then your NIC should be working fine. 

2) Testing server/client connection If, we wanna run a server side scripting program like php then we are gonna need localhost connection or, else we need a free web hosting site to run the script. So, we need to connect to the internet and the login to our web hosting account and then upload the php script and then finally execute that script. So, it will be a lengthy step. So, localhost makes this easy. So, we can learn or test our php code to our own server without having an internet connection.

3) Learning ethical hacking and pentesting  As, i told earlier that localhost means our own system. So, if we are hacking or doing any penetration testing with our own system then we are free to do so because, instead of breaching someone personal server , we are breaching our own. So, it is very useful for educational purpose.

 So, guys i think you do have now a brief knowledge about localhost and why it's so much important. So, i am signing off for now , soon be right back with another technical topic.