Tuesday 15 November 2016

Windows registry and all that you need to know about it

Windows registry is simply a database which contains all the setting of our windows file and installed third party software. The Windows registry is divided into several root keys. They can also be called Hives. Registry keys are similar to folders.Five hives are HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, HKEY_USERS, HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG, HKEY_CURRENT_USER and sub keys.

Registry key has sub keys which contains value in string, binary, hexadecimal, Dword, QWord

Registry contains some value. So, suppose you have a software of file conversion like pdf to doc or pdf to excel. So, you open the software and customize it's setting according to your need and save the setting so that, you don't have to change the setting again. So, this setting is stored in windows registry. Windows registry also stores all the setting of your windows. Your windows is itself a software whose settings are stored in registry.
So, when you save some settings of windows like enabling or disabling hidden files or folders, hide or show extension for the files, hide or show the system files, some network settings so, all the settings are stored inside the registry. So, that it would be easy for you and you don't have to bother for changing and saving the changed setting again again.
Windows registry was first used in windows 3.1 version and then it is being used till now.
But is it necessary that every softwares save it's setting in the registry??
So, it's not like that. There is no rule that a software must save it's setting inside the registry. Some saftwares come with its own xml file which contains setting of that software both default as well as user's customize settings. So, that when we open that software then the software first reads that xml file and check the last customize settings of user's and then open the software with those settings and same thing happens if a software saves it's setting in windows registry i.e software first checks it's setting from registry and then open up with those settings.
You may find some registry editor softwares which manipulates the value stores in the registry and thus changes the setting but it's a very risky to messing up with registry until and unless you do have the proper knowledge of it.

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