Tuesday 8 November 2016

Is MEGAPIXEL the only parameter to define the performance of camera???

Now a days, smartphones became a normal topic in our day to day life. Most of us have a smartphone which we use for different purposes.One of the most important features of smartphones is the camera.There is a common concept in people while judging a performance of a camera is the MEGAPIXEL. Most people always treat Megapixel as a singular Parameter regarding judgement of performance of camera but is the knowledge of MEGAPIXEL enough to judge the performance of camera or the quality of pictures taken by the camera???? So, guys in the post we will know about some basic details of mobile camera, it's basic functioning and some parameters to compare or judge the performance of camera and the image's quality taken by it.
Almost Every camera has two major components that form the camera modules which are Sensor and Lens. These parts are connected to the mother board of the mobile via ribbon cable. while capturing an image these components play the vital roles in processing and producing the image. Without any of these parts the term "camera" will be worthless.


 Almost all smartphones use CMOS(Complementary Metal -Oxide Semiconductor) Image sensor. It is made up of pixel sensors where each pixel contains a photo-detector that captures the light waves falling on it. It amplifies the light wave and converts it into electrical signal and sends this data to camera software to produce the image.Some camera manufacturer's company use BSI(Back Side Illuminated) sensor and ISOCELL sensor. The BSI sensor increases the amount of light captured and thereby improve low light performance of camera. This helps to reduce noise that you usually get when you take pictures at night with an LED flash. Camera with ISOCELL technology increases the viewing experiences without filed of view loss and also increases the DYNAMIC RANGE(here dynamic range means the difference in intensity between the lightest and darkest parts of the image). Camera sensor size also affects on the quality of image captured. Bigger the image sensor, able to collect more information and produces a photos with better dynamic range, less noise and improved low light performance than its smaller sensor.


Technically, 1 megapixel is equal to 1 million pixels. This means a 10 MP camera has 10 million pixels. But what is Pixel. so, Pixel is the smallest unit in an electronic display or visual display file i.e. a single dot but in case of Camera, pixel is the light sensitive diode called photo detector that receives the light focus through camera towards the sensor. This means that a 10 MP camera has 10 millions of photo-detectors to receive the light coming towards the image sensor.With increase in resolution of camera, image quality increases with better detailing, lesser noise,better low light performance,high quality printing and cropping of image. Size of each pixel also affects the quality of image produced. Larger the size of each pixel, more the light absorb and better the image produces.


Aperture is an opening of a lens's diaphragm through which light passes to the image sensor. It works much like the iris and pupil of an eye by controlling the amount of light which reaches the retina. The aperture size is defined by F-number. F- number is the ratio of lens focal length to the diameter aperture. A smaller F- number means that the lens has larger aperture that allows more light pass through it to the sensor producing quality image. Camera having aperture f/1.8 performs much better in low light as compare to camera having f f/2 or f/2.2 aperture.


Smartphones are mostly used in handheld. while taking a image, having mobile in hand the stabilization of the camera becomes very crucial. If the camera module is not stable while capturing images then the picture taken becomes shaky and blur with less detailing. For this Optical image stabilization (OIS) and Electronic image stabilization (EIS) is used. In OIS, the image is stabilized by varying the optical path of the sensor.The Electronic Image Stabilization (EIS) system reduces image shake and controls image stability by manipulating the image electronically, using the light-sensing chip, the Charge Coupled Device (CCD) of the camera.

Apart from these factor the camera performance also depends upon how the camera software is programmed to use the available resources(Hardware) to produce quality images.

So, these are some basic details regarding the camera and its performance, hope this post will helpful in clearing the misconception regarding camera and its performance. So, guys that's all for today, we will be back with another interesting things till then signing out.

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