Tuesday 1 November 2016

So, What the heck "Kernel" is????

Welcome you all to the new post. Today, we will learn about the Kernel. First of all don't get confused with the word "Colonel" and "Kernel" cause both sound similar.

Colonel is related to arm forces of nations i.e a commissioned military officer in Indian army or air force or marine who ranks above a lieutenant colonel and below a brigadier general but the word "Kernel" is totally 180 degree of "Colonel" that means totally opposite of colonel.
 So, as you can see from below pic that kernel acts as an interface between Software's applications and CPU, memory and other devices. Kernel is not only limited to your android phone, it also found in computers, tablets or any computing devices which works on operating system.You can check the version of kernel in your android phone by navigating to setting>>About device>>Kernel version and there you can find the name of the kernel installed in your android phone with it's version, code,date of update of your kernel.

So, for every application to run successfully, needs a kernel. We know that a computer or a cell phone consists of inbuilt hardware like processor, ram, storage, camera, display, vibrating motor, speaker, headphone jack etc so, we need a system which can be used to utilize these hardware components 
properly for their purpose and that job is done by kernel. Let's take up an example, when you click 
on the camera application of your phone then that application needs to grant access of hardware parts 
of camera like sensors, led, etc so that task is done by kernel and after clicking pictures, camera software also needs to store the image in memory so, that task is also done by kernel i.e kernel grant permission to 
the camera application to store the data into the storage area inside a particular folder.So, kernel is basically a software which gives permission to all the applications to access required hardwares. For example, if i wanna use a message app to message someone then the particular hardware needed by that message app to broadcast the message is given by kernel. If an app runs in background then that is also done by kernel on the other hand if any application wants to access CPU for it's functionality then that job is also done by kernel. So, now you know what actually a kernel is and how important it is. Any device like phone or computer will be like blind if it does not contain kernel because hardware which is needed by an application to run will not be given to that application. Even when we switch on our phone or computer and the boot animation or logo that we see and also all the software that load in the memory are managed by kernel.

Android based phones use Linux kernel, that is kernel used by Linux operating system, with little bit differences and as a Linux is an open operating system so, you can change the kernel of our android phone but for this you should must have access to the root of our android phone and also you should must unlock the boot loader of your android phone.

But why you should change your kernel??

So, by changing your default kernel with another third party kernel, you can increase your android phone's battery life and it's performance to a great magnitude by allowing a selected application to run and disabling the unwanted applications to use your battery and CPU but you should do these steps very carefully by not disabling any necessary applications. So, that's why max precaution should be taken before downloading and installing a 3rd party kernel. Kernel should based on your android phone and from a reputed source or else if something goes wrong then your phone will be nothing but a waggon.

So, guys that's all for today, we will be back with another interesting things. Hope, you found this post helpful for you.

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