Monday 21 November 2016

How to detect camera in a changing or trial room

Welcome you all to my new post. Today, we will give you some tips to detect a hidden camera in a changing room or anywhere else.
We all like to shop in mall and buy our favourite clothes and also we get inside the changing room of that mall to check the fitting of our selected clothes. But, sometimes we hear the news that a particular shopping mall had a camera and it got banned by the police but till then it becomes so late that we would had nothing to do. Mainly, girls are made victims of these craps. So, this post is mainly for all the women out there.
So, follow these steps.

1)Use your eyes: This is the normal way to navigate the whole room where you are in. Just roll your eyes around and find whether or not camera is present in the room.

2)A small practical with mirror in the room: Every trial room has a mirror ofcourse.So, all you have to do is just touch your finger with the mirror then ofcourse a image of your own finger will be formed in the mirror too. So, if there is a distance in between both i.e between your finger which you have touched with the mirror and the image of your finger formed inside the mirror, then that means it is a true mirror but if, there is no any gap or distance in between them then that means, it is a two sided glass or mirror not a real mirror. A two sided glass or mirror is one which will look like a mirror when you see it from one side but when you will see it from other side the it will be transparent i.e, anybody can see you from other side of the mirror and you won't have a micro doubt even.

3)Check your mobile network: We know technology has been still growing and today size of electronic gadgets are decreasing and thus increasing their speed of performance with less power consumption. So, modern camera is smaller in size and that also means it's bandwidth will be higher in order to record high defination video and as it has higher bandwidth thus it uses optical fiber cable for this purpose. So, all you have to do is just open internet connection and try to access any random web pages on your mobile browser, you will see that pages are not accessible properly also try to make a call to anyone you will also see that calls are not placing properly, then maximum chances are to have camera in that trial room.

So, if you face any doubt after doing above experiments then better to not use that trial room or any room.
So, guys that's all for now, we will be back with some other chapters of technology.

Sunday 20 November 2016

Web family types & details

Hey guys, what's going on. Well, today we are gonna describe the types of web pages present on the internet. Namely, there are three types of web pages present on the internet which are
1) Surface Web
2)Deep Web
3)Dark Web
So, let's learn what are these. So, start from the first one and then will move to the last.
1)Surface Web: These are the normal web pages that we surf, download, upload on the internet. For example if we type some query in the google search box like "Who was the inventor of Internet" so, whatever pages that we get after pressing enter are called Surface web. In short way whatever pages that we visit on internet without any authorization are called surface web.

2)Deep Web: These are the pages which are not indexed by google search engine. For example, suppose we create our own website for our organization which contains many web pages but there are some web pages which we don't want any people other then a selected group of that organization or a registered users to access. So, if someone wants access those pages then first he/she has to authenticate him/her self then only one can access those pages. On the internet , deep web has a very large area which are not for public access. Whatever secret plans of government would be those are saved inside the deep web so that no one can access those pages for security purpose without having username and password. There are many things beyond the scope of our thinking which have been hidden inside the deep web.

3) Dark Web: These are the most dangerous part of the internet world. These pages are for only illegal usage like smuggling , gambling and some other crimes. These pages are used to sell all the illegal things on the internet which we can not tell even. So, close your eyes and think whatever illegal things that you can think in your mind, are sold on the dark web.These are hidden inside deep down to the internet's layer and obviously are not indexed in the search engine's dictionary. 98% users of the internet don't know about these pages. They are only known to users who involves in illegal activities.

So,  guys we think now you have a complete idea about surface, deep and dark web. We are signing out for now and will fetch you with some another technical solution.

Tuesday 15 November 2016

Windows registry and all that you need to know about it

Windows registry is simply a database which contains all the setting of our windows file and installed third party software. The Windows registry is divided into several root keys. They can also be called Hives. Registry keys are similar to folders.Five hives are HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, HKEY_USERS, HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG, HKEY_CURRENT_USER and sub keys.

Registry key has sub keys which contains value in string, binary, hexadecimal, Dword, QWord

Registry contains some value. So, suppose you have a software of file conversion like pdf to doc or pdf to excel. So, you open the software and customize it's setting according to your need and save the setting so that, you don't have to change the setting again. So, this setting is stored in windows registry. Windows registry also stores all the setting of your windows. Your windows is itself a software whose settings are stored in registry.
So, when you save some settings of windows like enabling or disabling hidden files or folders, hide or show extension for the files, hide or show the system files, some network settings so, all the settings are stored inside the registry. So, that it would be easy for you and you don't have to bother for changing and saving the changed setting again again.
Windows registry was first used in windows 3.1 version and then it is being used till now.
But is it necessary that every softwares save it's setting in the registry??
So, it's not like that. There is no rule that a software must save it's setting inside the registry. Some saftwares come with its own xml file which contains setting of that software both default as well as user's customize settings. So, that when we open that software then the software first reads that xml file and check the last customize settings of user's and then open the software with those settings and same thing happens if a software saves it's setting in windows registry i.e software first checks it's setting from registry and then open up with those settings.
You may find some registry editor softwares which manipulates the value stores in the registry and thus changes the setting but it's a very risky to messing up with registry until and unless you do have the proper knowledge of it.

Sunday 13 November 2016

How to start your laptop without battery??

Hey guys, welcome you all to our new blog. Laptop and it's battery, we cant count them individually but today, we are going to learn about how to start our laptop without battery in. So, follow these simple steps ---->>
1)Plug in the power adapter to the laptop.

2)Take the  Lithium-ion battery out from the laptop.

3)Power on the laptop by pressing the power key.

4)That's it. Now play with your laptop without battery in.

So, we can enhance our battery life in this way by saving multiple charging and discharging operations of battery. So, if you stay in an area where electricity runs 24/7, so, you can use this method but strongly note that if, in any manner, your power adapter goes switch off then your laptop will be shut down immediately due to not having any power source i.e battery or power adapter attach with it.

So, guys we hope you will use this method to save battery life. We will soon fetch you later with an another chapter of technology till then see you.

Tuesday 8 November 2016

Is MEGAPIXEL the only parameter to define the performance of camera???

Now a days, smartphones became a normal topic in our day to day life. Most of us have a smartphone which we use for different purposes.One of the most important features of smartphones is the camera.There is a common concept in people while judging a performance of a camera is the MEGAPIXEL. Most people always treat Megapixel as a singular Parameter regarding judgement of performance of camera but is the knowledge of MEGAPIXEL enough to judge the performance of camera or the quality of pictures taken by the camera???? So, guys in the post we will know about some basic details of mobile camera, it's basic functioning and some parameters to compare or judge the performance of camera and the image's quality taken by it.
Almost Every camera has two major components that form the camera modules which are Sensor and Lens. These parts are connected to the mother board of the mobile via ribbon cable. while capturing an image these components play the vital roles in processing and producing the image. Without any of these parts the term "camera" will be worthless.


 Almost all smartphones use CMOS(Complementary Metal -Oxide Semiconductor) Image sensor. It is made up of pixel sensors where each pixel contains a photo-detector that captures the light waves falling on it. It amplifies the light wave and converts it into electrical signal and sends this data to camera software to produce the image.Some camera manufacturer's company use BSI(Back Side Illuminated) sensor and ISOCELL sensor. The BSI sensor increases the amount of light captured and thereby improve low light performance of camera. This helps to reduce noise that you usually get when you take pictures at night with an LED flash. Camera with ISOCELL technology increases the viewing experiences without filed of view loss and also increases the DYNAMIC RANGE(here dynamic range means the difference in intensity between the lightest and darkest parts of the image). Camera sensor size also affects on the quality of image captured. Bigger the image sensor, able to collect more information and produces a photos with better dynamic range, less noise and improved low light performance than its smaller sensor.


Technically, 1 megapixel is equal to 1 million pixels. This means a 10 MP camera has 10 million pixels. But what is Pixel. so, Pixel is the smallest unit in an electronic display or visual display file i.e. a single dot but in case of Camera, pixel is the light sensitive diode called photo detector that receives the light focus through camera towards the sensor. This means that a 10 MP camera has 10 millions of photo-detectors to receive the light coming towards the image sensor.With increase in resolution of camera, image quality increases with better detailing, lesser noise,better low light performance,high quality printing and cropping of image. Size of each pixel also affects the quality of image produced. Larger the size of each pixel, more the light absorb and better the image produces.


Aperture is an opening of a lens's diaphragm through which light passes to the image sensor. It works much like the iris and pupil of an eye by controlling the amount of light which reaches the retina. The aperture size is defined by F-number. F- number is the ratio of lens focal length to the diameter aperture. A smaller F- number means that the lens has larger aperture that allows more light pass through it to the sensor producing quality image. Camera having aperture f/1.8 performs much better in low light as compare to camera having f f/2 or f/2.2 aperture.


Tuesday 1 November 2016

So, What the heck "Kernel" is????

Welcome you all to the new post. Today, we will learn about the Kernel. First of all don't get confused with the word "Colonel" and "Kernel" cause both sound similar.

Colonel is related to arm forces of nations i.e a commissioned military officer in Indian army or air force or marine who ranks above a lieutenant colonel and below a brigadier general but the word "Kernel" is totally 180 degree of "Colonel" that means totally opposite of colonel.
 So, as you can see from below pic that kernel acts as an interface between Software's applications and CPU, memory and other devices. Kernel is not only limited to your android phone, it also found in computers, tablets or any computing devices which works on operating system.You can check the version of kernel in your android phone by navigating to setting>>About device>>Kernel version and there you can find the name of the kernel installed in your android phone with it's version, code,date of update of your kernel.

So, for every application to run successfully, needs a kernel. We know that a computer or a cell phone consists of inbuilt hardware like processor, ram, storage, camera, display, vibrating motor, speaker, headphone jack etc so, we need a system which can be used to utilize these hardware components 
properly for their purpose and that job is done by kernel. Let's take up an example, when you click 
on the camera application of your phone then that application needs to grant access of hardware parts 
of camera like sensors, led, etc so that task is done by kernel and after clicking pictures, camera software also needs to store the image in memory so, that task is also done by kernel i.e kernel grant permission to 
the camera application to store the data into the storage area inside a particular folder.So, kernel is basically a software which gives permission to all the applications to access required hardwares. For example, if i wanna use a message app to message someone then the particular hardware needed by that message app to broadcast the message is given by kernel. If an app runs in background then that is also done by kernel on the other hand if any application wants to access CPU for it's functionality then that job is also done by kernel. So, now you know what actually a kernel is and how important it is. Any device like phone or computer will be like blind if it does not contain kernel because hardware which is needed by an application to run will not be given to that application. Even when we switch on our phone or computer and the boot animation or logo that we see and also all the software that load in the memory are managed by kernel.

Android based phones use Linux kernel, that is kernel used by Linux operating system, with little bit differences and as a Linux is an open operating system so, you can change the kernel of our android phone but for this you should must have access to the root of our android phone and also you should must unlock the boot loader of your android phone.

But why you should change your kernel??

So, by changing your default kernel with another third party kernel, you can increase your android phone's battery life and it's performance to a great magnitude by allowing a selected application to run and disabling the unwanted applications to use your battery and CPU but you should do these steps very carefully by not disabling any necessary applications. So, that's why max precaution should be taken before downloading and installing a 3rd party kernel. Kernel should based on your android phone and from a reputed source or else if something goes wrong then your phone will be nothing but a waggon.

So, guys that's all for today, we will be back with another interesting things. Hope, you found this post helpful for you.