Tuesday 18 April 2017

What is footprinting or information gathering??

Hello everyone, today we are gonna discuss about a term called footprinting in the world of cyber security. So let's get started.

Footprinting or Information gathering: Footprinting is sometimes also called as information gathering. As the name suggests, it is all about gathering some kind of information. In the field of hacking, information are the private or personal data about our target. It is a primary stage of ethical hacking. We see in movies that an anonymous looking guy comes with a laptop and types some bunch of commands and hacks everything. So if you also think that hacking is that much easy then my friend let me clear your concept about hacking.  "A hacking is not a one click or one push button activity". It may be that easy in movies to fascinate the viewers but in real life the story is different. You can not hack anything without finding a security breaches of the system.

Footprinting is not a new concept. If i say that footprinting has been used from thousand of years then you will not believe us. So let me brush up your mind. Think about the king of our country in past who had many spies who were used to investigate about the weak as well as strong point of opposition team before a war. So that was nothing but an information gathering, right.
In the field of cyber security, footprinting is nothing but gathering all the information of our target before hacking the target. Once we have all the required data of our victim then we go and execute exploit by making any payloads or by any means.
You can use google as footprinting tool to get the required data. Also, go and check your target's social accounts and there you will get many information like his nickname, date of birth, address, qualification  and many more about his personal as well as  professional life. If he has a public privacy then you can get all those information easily. Next, use some footprinting tools to gather all the information about victim's computer like, what are the ports that are opened on victim's system, software installed on those ports and many more. If you don't know what is port of computer then i will suggest to go through our post about computer port. I will attach the link of that post at the end of this tutorial.
I will suggest to use kali linux because it has many preinstalled footprinting tools which you can use.

Some of footprinting tools are:
1) Nmap
2) Zenmap
3) whois
4) Nslookup
5) dmitry
6) dnmap
7) Amap
8) Faraday
9) Firewalk
10) hping3
And many more. After you are done with this phase i.e, footprinting then the next step would be Vulnerability Analysis of victim's system and once you get his vulnerable package then final step would be making a payload and exploit his system completely.
So, we guess you do have now a good understanding about footprinting or information gathering. If you still have any doubt then write it down to the comment section.

That's it for today. We will be back soon till then like, share & subscribe our blog.

Link to post about computer port:  Click Me!

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