Thursday 6 April 2017

How to send a secret message to someone within an image without using any software??

Welcome guys to our blog. Today we will discuss about the way to send a private message to someone without using any third party software. In our blog, we have already discussed about how you can hide a folder containing many files inside an image file in an android phone. If you have not seen that post then we request you to have a look over that post. We will attach a direct link of that post at the end of this tutorial.

If you want to send a personal message to someone and you don't want anybody except the receiver of that message to read it then all you need to do is just use an image of any format i.e, .jpg, .png etc and then bind it with a text file containing the original message. Steps are as below:

1) Go to the location of the image file where you want to hide your message and then just hold the shift key button and right click on anywhere over the window, you will get an option saying "Open command window here". So just click on that option or else you have to open command prompt by going to start menu and click on "Run" and open Run box and then type "cmd" and hit enter and then you have to change the directory or path of command prompt to the directory or path of that image file where your image is. Well in my case, image is on desktop. So, i have opened cmd window and then navigate to desktop by using "cd" command i.e, "cd desktop". I am attaching the screenshot below.

2) Then all you have to do is just type the command below. Well in my case, image is an jpg file type with name "tom cruise.jpg". You will have to type the name of your image file with it's correct extension. Command is as below:
"notepad tom cruise.jpg:hidden"

After typing the above command press enter. You will see a blank notepad file has fired up i.e, like this

3) All you need to do is just write your secret message inside that blank notepad file and save the file simply by using shortcut (ctrl+ s) . For demo, i have just written a debit card details.

Secret Message
4) Now after saving the file, just close all windows and if you open that image then you will see the image normally as usual. i.e,

5) Send the image to whom you want to via email or by any means.

6) Our receiver will receive the image file and to recover the message, all he needs to is just open the command prompt over the same location where the image file is and type the same command i.e, in our case it will be as below:
"notepad tom cruise.jpg:hidden"

That's it. So, in this way we can send a secret message to someone.

Note: This will work in a ntfs file system only.

Click on this Link for the post regarding how to hide files inside an image in an android phone.

That's it for today guys. We will back soon. Till then like, share and subscribe our blog.

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