Wednesday 1 March 2017

What is Y2K bug and what had happened with all the computers of the world in year 2k??

Hello friends, welcome to our blog . Today, we are going to discuss about a computer bug or problems that had happened in year 2000 which is popularly known as "Y2K BUG". It is one of the biggest problem in the world of computer that had happened in year 2000.

Firs of all, "Y2K Bug" is the slang which means Year 2000 Bug. It is a bug related to computer. So, in year 2000, a very peculiar tragedy had happened with almost all the computer of the world. They all stopped working at once. Some of them got shut down and some of them started showing funny behavior. There was a huge flow of bug in the computer's world. Computers which were used in corporate offices, banks, government firms etc, they all lost their databases and stopped working. So, why this had happened. What was the reason.

Reason behind Y2K bug flow:  This flow had a source which was nothing but calender's date issue. Most of the computer had calendar which was having date only upto year 1999. So, after 31st dec 1999, the next year i.e, year 2000 was not in it's calendar's database. So, after 1999 they all switched back to year 1900 and thus were started behaving peculiar. As we know very well if, we system restore our computer to a specific date then our computer starts freshly from that specific date. So, whatever programs that we are having after that date are gonna flush out from the system. So, similar thing had happened in year 2000.
So, eventually some patches were brought into action to fix that issue and finally calendars were given the dates after year 1999.

So, this issue is also known as "Millennium issue" of computer. If, you still curious to know more about it then go and google y2k bug, you will get more details about it. Well, it was a biggest problem or bug in the field of computer, thus we thought you should must be aware of it.
So, that's it guys for today. We will be back. Please like, share & subscribe because sharing is caring.

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