Tuesday 7 March 2017

What is encryption, decryption and it's keys??

Hello friends, today we are gonna learn what is encryption & it's reverse i.e, decryption and their keys. I think most of you already have an idea about it but still i will raise the topic from beginning and then we will cover it to the top.
Encryption or Cryptography So, in simple language we can say encryption is a method where user hides his information and give it a shield of a language which is best known to machine only.
For instance suppose, person A sends a message to Person B and he uses a language which is not known to person C and A has assigned the task to C to deliver the message to B. So, situation is like this
Mr. A (Sender), Mr. B (Receiver), Mr.C (messenger) but condition is that A is using a language which is best known to B only. So, if C even gets the message he can not understand a word of it. So, C can say the message is an encrypted message.
Here the language is a Machine Language, best known to machine only. So, by encrypting (or also called as cryptography) , we convert our message or information into machine language. This method is called Encryption or Cryptography. Computer deals with binary and hexadecimal number.

Let's take a simple example. Let's say we want to apply an encryption on a word say "DANGER" in such a way that each letter in the word is replaced with a letter following it i.e, "D" is replaced with "C", A is replaced with the word Z and so on. So, after apply the simple encryption the word "DANGER" will become "CZMFDQ". So, that is the simple example of encryption. In the world of internet encryption is applied everywhere when the security is concerned. We see sometimes in our url browser "http" and sometimes "https" so the different is https is the secured or we can say encrypted version of http. So, every authentic information over the internet is sent through https for keeping the connection secure from the hackers.

Decryption: It is just opposite to encryption. So, if we send an encrypted data to someone then one needs to decrypt the message to get it's actual form. From above example we can say our message is "DANGER", it's encrypted form is "CZMFDQ" and after decrypting the encrypted form we get our original message i.e, "DANGER". We use key to encrypt as well as to decrypt our message.
Key in encryption: Key means the method which is used to encrypt or decrypt the message. In above example, we have applied a key to our message in such a way that every letter of the word is replaced with the letter following it. So, we can say it's a key to encrypt our message. We need a key also to decrypt our message and if, we use a key which is similar with the key which is used to encrypt as well as to decrypt our message then in that case we will say it's an "Symmetric Encryption or Symmetric Cryptography". If, the key which is used to encrypt the message is not similar with the key which we use to decrypt the message then in that case we will say it is an "Asymmetric Encryption or Asymmetric Cryptography".

We are giving you an online link where you can encrypt your text as well as you can decrypt the encrypted text also. So, go and try it because practical experience is far better than theories.

So, guys we think you must got an idea about encryption, decryption and their keys. If, in case you still having some doubt, you can ask us in comment's section. Till then we are signing out and will be back soon. Please like, share & subscribe our blog.

Link to the site:   "http://md5encryption.com/"

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