Thursday 30 March 2017

How to see the saved password of your login web page in a normal text format?

Welcome back friends to our blog. Today we are gonna discuss about how to overcome a situation which we guess almost most of you have been passed through.
Have you ever trapped in a situation where you see your password in a login page of your own computer's browser because you have automatically saved it by clicking on "Remember Me" box but you wish to see the password so that you can use it to login from any other device rather than from your computer. Now the problem is that you have completely forgotten your password, so then you have to reset it by sending a password reset link to your registered email id and then click on that link and so on. So, it becomes a little bit time consuming steps. So today we are gonna tell you that how you can see the password in a normal text  format straightly from that log in page itself and then make a copy of it so that you can use it while log in from other devices.

A password always stored inside the password field in a star format (*) so that nobody can spy on it even if he does soldier surfing on you. But the problem comes when even you can not see it in case you have forgotten. So as you have saved the password on your system so that you don't need to bother and you become careless but the problem comes when you need the password while you are attempting to login from other devices.

Username stored in a text format so that you can see it in "Username" field but as password does not exit in text format. So we need to change the format of a password field from password type to text type. So follow the steps below:

1) Open your saved log in web page in any browser. I am opening a demo of my log in web page using google chrome and giving you the screenshot of it below.

As you can see username is "" which is in text format but password is in asterisk sign (*).

2) Right click on somewhere inside the password field and select the option called "Inspect element" in case you are using firefox or "Inspect" option if you are using google chrome (shortcut in chrome is Ctrl+Shift+I). I am using chrome and hence attaching it's screenshot below.

3) Then you will see a little box opens over the browser where you see html tag of password field. In my case detail goes below:

4) Find out the code saying type = "password" .

5) Once you got it then just change the type of password from "password" to "text" but without quotation mark(" ") as it is already there i.e, just replace the word password with the word text as below type="text". I am giving screenshot of my system below.

6) Once you did that just close that little window which has opened over your browser i.e,

7) Now you can read the password in simple text format.

To switch it back to asterisk sign (*) form just refresh the web page only. It will switch back to it's original format.

So, guys we guess this post will help you if you trap in a situation like above and then you don't need to reset your password by following lengthy process. You just change the type of password to text format as we told above and get your current password.

So that's it for today's buzz, we will be back soon. Till then like, share and subscribe our blog so that we can bring more tips and tricks for you.

Tuesday 28 March 2017

How to access files and folders of your computer from your web browser?

Hey guys, welcome you all to our blog. Well, today we will not going to discuss any long technical topics, in spite of, today we are just gonna share a simple trick which is for them who are little bit experimental geeks.  So, let's stretch the level of technology.

So, have you ever wished to surf the directories of your computer from a web browser but you could not get the idea to do it. So let's learn how to get through it. First of all remember, "file" is the protocol that we are gonna use to do it. For example, let us consider we have already fired up firefox in our system and now we are gonna access our drive "c" from our browser's url bar. So go to url and type this path:

file:///c:/    (hit enter)
That's it. You are all the way to your c drive. I am attaching screenshot of my c drive's directories and files in firefox.

File is the command that we have to use for surfing.  Let's do some more surfing. Let's grab our desktop. For the time being i am using my computer in which my user name is "Rohit". So command would be as below:

  (hit enter). I am also giving you snapshot of it in case of my computer.

Similarly, to get through your other drives like D, E, F etc, just replace "c://" with the letter of that drive.

Note: While typing the path of the directory you must keep in mind that it is not case sensitive i.e, it will treat both capital and small letters as same. So that means both " FILE:///C:/ = file:///c:/". So you don't need to bother with that.
So in this way you can navigate the directories from your browser. Also if you play a video file from your browser by clicking on that video file then it will play the file in browser framework.

So, guys that was the small segment for today. We will be back soon. Till then you do like, share and subscribe as it just needs a small click.

Thursday 23 March 2017

What is computer port anyway??

Hello guys, hope you all are fine. So let's get straight to the business. Today we are gonna learn about computer ports and why are they so important. So let's stretch the level of technology.
 Port are both hardware and software type. Hardware ports are like usb port, ethernet port, RJ-45port, VGA port etc. But we are going to discuss about port of computer network.

PORT: Port is an end point of a network just like a ship in a sea which has port where it stops. So, a network always has an end point which is called port. Every services running on computer uses a certain port just like a vehicle needs wheels to move. Port is also consider as a medium which separates each services on the network. You can relate this with a palace of king having many doors where each door is used for definite task as per protocol set up by the king. So, port is like a door also where each port holds the entry ticket for a definite service. As we know while surfing the web, we do not simply surf the web but also download or upload the files, play online games, watching live t.v, sending emails etc. So, for that reason we use various protocols which needs various ports. For example, to surf http (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol) web pages, we use http protocol which runs on port 80 of network.This port is used for surfing http web pages and disabling this port will result failure in access of any http web pages. Similarly, to transfer a file over internet we need ftp protocol i.e, to upload and download the files. Ftp (File Transfer Protocol) protocol runs over port 20. Similarly, udp (User Datagram Protocol) protocol is used for online gaming, watching live t.v which runs over port.
So each and every services of computer uses a definite port to run which is also a medium to separate each services on the network. Hence our system will understand that which service should be used for a definite task. For example mail server uses smtp (simple Mail Transfer Protocol) protocol which by default runs over port 25. Smtp protocol is used for mail services over the internet. We are giving you the picture of a simple port scanning result of our blog using kali linux.


Below we are giving you a few list of services along with the port over which they run.

Common Ports

Port No           Service
20                    FTP data (File Transfer Protocol)
21                    FTP (File Transfer Protocol)
22                    SSH (Secure Shell)
23                    Telnet
25                    SMTP (Send Mail Transfer Protocol)
43                    whois
53                    DNS (Domain Name Service)
68                    DHCP (Dynamic Host Control Protocol)
79                    Finger
80                    HTTP (HyperText Transfer Protocol)
110                  POP3 (Post Office Protocol, version 3)
115                  SFTP (Secure File Transfer Protocol)
119                  NNTP (Network New Transfer Protocol)
123                  NTP (Network Time Protocol)
137                  NetBIOS-ns
138                  NetBIOS-dgm
139                  NetBIOS
143                  IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol)
161                  SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol)
194                  IRC (Internet Relay Chat)
220                  IMAP3 (Internet Message Access Protocol 3)
389                  LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol)
443                  SSL (Secure Socket Layer)
445                  SMB (NetBIOS over TCP)
666                  Doom
993                  SIMAP (Secure Internet Message Access Protocol)
995                  SPOP (Secure Post Office Protocol)
1243                SubSeven (Trojan - security risk!)
1352                Lotus Notes
1433                Microsoft SQL Server
1494               Citrix ICA Protocol
1521               Oracle SQL
1604               Citrix ICA / Microsoft Terminal Server
2049               NFS (Network File System)
3306               mySQL
4000               ICQ
5010              Yahoo! Messenger
5190              AOL Instant Messenger
5632              PCAnywhere
5800              VNC
5900              VNC
6000              X Windowing System
6699              Napster
6776             SubSeven (Trojan - security risk!)
7070             RealServer / QuickTime
7778             Unreal
8080             HTTP
26000           Quake
27010           Half-Life
27960           Quake III
31337           BackOrifice (Trojan - security risk!)

Ports between 1024 and 29151 are known as the Registered Ports. Basically, programs are supposed to register their use of these ports and thereby try to be careful and avoid stomping on each other. Here are some common ports and their programs. For security reason you should check how many ports are open on your system and if there is any unnecessary port is open on your system then you should close that port.

Hope you found this piece of information useful. That's all for today. We will be back soon. Till then like, share and subscribe our blog.

Friday 17 March 2017

What is cookie stealing and how can i protect myself being a victim of session hijacking?

Welcome friends, today we are gonna learn about what is cookie stealing and session hijacking but before starting this tutorial let us first talk about what is cookie.

Cookie: Cookie is a file which is used to store the password or information which you give while visiting the websites online. You can relate this with a real life example where we have to note some data on a paper for further use. So, that paper acts as a cookie file which stores some information. These passwords or information are captured and stored by the file called cookie, so that next time when you are about to access those websites then you don't need to insert your login details or your information again. Cookie can be both a simple text file or a database file. A cookie always has some expiry date because while creating a cookie in a program, programmer also sets it's expiry date by providing the date as a parameter while setting the cookie.
Cookie vs Session: Cookies can be set to a long lifespan, which means that data stored in a cookie can be stored for months if not years. Cookies, having their data stored on the client,whereas sessions are stored on the server, which means clients do not have access to the information you store about them.

So, as far as time is concerned, it's good that we don't need to insert our log in details again and again but as far as security is concerned this may be very dangerous. The moment you log-in into your online account say then a session is started there and meanwhile stealing that session is called "Session Hijacking".

How cookie stores your details: Cookie stores your information in a very simple manner. When you give your information to a website using any browser and click on log in or submit or sign up button then your browser asks you "Do you wanna remember the username and password for this site" or something like that and if you click on yes then that's it, your log in details are there in your cookie file. So, it is good to auto save your information when you know the system which you are using to log-in is all yours and nobody accept you can use that system. But what if a random guy use your system when you are not with your system. So, one can log in into your online account without giving the log in details and also one can steal your cookie file and retrieve the details from it.  A cookie can be of two types which are as:

1) Session Cookie:  It is also called a transient cookie, a cookie that is erased when you close the Web browser. The session cookie is stored in temporary memory and is not retained after the browser is closed.

2) Persistent cookie: It is also called a permanent cookie, or a stored cookie, a cookie that is stored on your hard drive until it expires (persistent cookies are set with expiration dates) or until the user deletes the cookie.

And one thing is to be noted that both types of cookies can be hacked easily.

How my cookie can be hacked: Cookie can be stolen easily if you are a little careless about your privacy. If an attacker fascinates you in his trap by giving a random link or making you click on a scripted image (i.e, an image binded by scripts where attacker writes code to steal cookie). So, if you just click on that image or that link, that's it, he is all done. You are hacked. He can now access your account.
Also, if you access your account on a cyber cafe and click on "Remember Me" for auto filling the log-in details then though after using that computer in cyber cafe, you leave the cafe but still you also forget your cookie in their system. So, in this way also your account may be hacked.
Also, if an attacker allows you to use his system in which keylogger has installed already then also your account along with all activities you perform in his system can be traced out.
So, these were the possible reasons behind a cookie or session hijacking.

How to protect yourself from cookie and session hijacking:  We will tell you the possible ways to stop making yourself being a victim of session and cookie hijacking:

1) Say no to "Remember Me": Never ever click remember me if you are not very sure about the system which you are using is only and only yours.

2) Think before clicking a random link: Never be a fool and just click on any suggested links or any images. Sometime an attacker suggests you to click on a link for visiting a website, saying that "hey go and check out this link, here you will get almost 90% paytm cashback on each item you buy" and you just got trap in his con. So, be smart and do not simply click on the link. First google about the reality and collect information about the website which is mentioned in that link and check whether or not that website even exists.

3) Think before clicking over an image with illusion: If someone gives you a random image and he says click on that image and you will be blessed by god and good things will happen to you and so on and on. Then do not become a fool, first open that image with a notepad or any text editor and find out if the image contains some malicious codes or not. Soon, we will tell you details about this protection. So stay tuned.

4) Use Incognito Mode: If you are using a computer in cyber cafe or computer of someone else then better to surf the web in incognito mode and feel free because this mode never ever let computer to remember even your history of surfing the web. So, this mode does not let you to leave your traces.

So, guys these were the possible shield that one can have against cookie stealing. So that's it for today's session we will bring some more alert like this. Till then please like, share & subscribe.

Tuesday 7 March 2017

What is encryption, decryption and it's keys??

Hello friends, today we are gonna learn what is encryption & it's reverse i.e, decryption and their keys. I think most of you already have an idea about it but still i will raise the topic from beginning and then we will cover it to the top.
Encryption or Cryptography So, in simple language we can say encryption is a method where user hides his information and give it a shield of a language which is best known to machine only.
For instance suppose, person A sends a message to Person B and he uses a language which is not known to person C and A has assigned the task to C to deliver the message to B. So, situation is like this
Mr. A (Sender), Mr. B (Receiver), Mr.C (messenger) but condition is that A is using a language which is best known to B only. So, if C even gets the message he can not understand a word of it. So, C can say the message is an encrypted message.
Here the language is a Machine Language, best known to machine only. So, by encrypting (or also called as cryptography) , we convert our message or information into machine language. This method is called Encryption or Cryptography. Computer deals with binary and hexadecimal number.

Let's take a simple example. Let's say we want to apply an encryption on a word say "DANGER" in such a way that each letter in the word is replaced with a letter following it i.e, "D" is replaced with "C", A is replaced with the word Z and so on. So, after apply the simple encryption the word "DANGER" will become "CZMFDQ". So, that is the simple example of encryption. In the world of internet encryption is applied everywhere when the security is concerned. We see sometimes in our url browser "http" and sometimes "https" so the different is https is the secured or we can say encrypted version of http. So, every authentic information over the internet is sent through https for keeping the connection secure from the hackers.

Decryption: It is just opposite to encryption. So, if we send an encrypted data to someone then one needs to decrypt the message to get it's actual form. From above example we can say our message is "DANGER", it's encrypted form is "CZMFDQ" and after decrypting the encrypted form we get our original message i.e, "DANGER". We use key to encrypt as well as to decrypt our message.
Key in encryption: Key means the method which is used to encrypt or decrypt the message. In above example, we have applied a key to our message in such a way that every letter of the word is replaced with the letter following it. So, we can say it's a key to encrypt our message. We need a key also to decrypt our message and if, we use a key which is similar with the key which is used to encrypt as well as to decrypt our message then in that case we will say it's an "Symmetric Encryption or Symmetric Cryptography". If, the key which is used to encrypt the message is not similar with the key which we use to decrypt the message then in that case we will say it is an "Asymmetric Encryption or Asymmetric Cryptography".

We are giving you an online link where you can encrypt your text as well as you can decrypt the encrypted text also. So, go and try it because practical experience is far better than theories.

So, guys we think you must got an idea about encryption, decryption and their keys. If, in case you still having some doubt, you can ask us in comment's section. Till then we are signing out and will be back soon. Please like, share & subscribe our blog.

Link to the site:   ""

Saturday 4 March 2017

What is bitcoin & how to earn it??

Welcome friends to our blog. Today, we are gonna learn about Bitcoin and how it works.
As we know we use currency to purchase the things from the market. Currency which we use to purchase the thing is a centralized currency and it is monitored by Government.

 Similarly, bitcoin is a currency but it is a digital decentralized currency. We can not touch it like we can with our normal currency like Indian rupee, Canadian dollar, United States dollar, Pound etc. Bitcoin can be saved on your online account and can be used to buy things over the internet easily. You can transfer bitcoin digitally from one pocket to another. There is no any guideline or controlling authority of the government over the bitcoin. It is a virtual currency. Satoshi Nakamoto is the name used by the unknown person or persons who designed bitcoin.

The minimum unit which is used to measure bitcoin is satoshi just like paisa is used to measure the minimum Indian currency. Currently, the value of a single bitcoin is around 1279 us dollars ($). But this value is not fixed and fluctuates rapidly with time. It may happen that if the value of a single bitcoin today is 1279 $ then tomorrow it may be 920 $ or 1500 $. So, people who use bitcoin, they use it on their own risk because as we told that it is a decentralized currency, there is no any rule and regulation of government over bitcoin. So, this is the main reason why bitcoin is mostly used in dark and deep web. The smuggler or the people who involve in illegal activities, use bitcoin to purchase illegal things over the dark web without giving any tax to the government because we already told you that government has nothing to do with bitcoin. If, you don't know what is dark and deep web then we request you to check our post regarding web family and their types by clicking on this link "Web family types & details".

You can use bitcoin in online shopping, money transferring even in website purchasing. Today most of the vendors are allowing bitcoin to purchase thing online.
But, still government keeps eyes over bitcoin and a fact has came which reveals that most of the people who involves to buy illegal things, in having black money are caught to be used bitcoin for this.
How to get bitcoin: You can exchange your normal currency to get converted it into bitcoin but as we told earlier that it would be fully your own risk if you do this, government is not going to help you in any manner because as we told you the value of bitcoin rapidly fluctuates in the market with time due to fact that it is a decentralized currency.

How to earn bitcoin: Yes, you can earn bitcoin online. As we know bitcoin digitally moves from one pocket to another. So, bitcoin miner is used as third party or third guy who verifies both bitcoin sender and receiver. And as a result they earn some bitcoin may be half bitcoin or one-fourth, that depends upon the number of bitcoins that are transferred by sender to receiver. This job is called bitcoin mining. Bitcoin miners help keep the Bitcoin network secure by approving transactions. Mining is an important and integral part of Bitcoin that ensures fairness while keeping the Bitcoin network stable, safe and secure. Go and google, you will get ideas about how to earn bitcoin.

 But there is a limit of generating bitcoin for a country just like as there is a limit of printing money for a country if, there would not be any limit then every country can print money 24*7.

So, that's it for today's segment, we will be back with another post. Please like, share & subscribe our blog.

Wednesday 1 March 2017

What is Y2K bug and what had happened with all the computers of the world in year 2k??

Hello friends, welcome to our blog . Today, we are going to discuss about a computer bug or problems that had happened in year 2000 which is popularly known as "Y2K BUG". It is one of the biggest problem in the world of computer that had happened in year 2000.

Firs of all, "Y2K Bug" is the slang which means Year 2000 Bug. It is a bug related to computer. So, in year 2000, a very peculiar tragedy had happened with almost all the computer of the world. They all stopped working at once. Some of them got shut down and some of them started showing funny behavior. There was a huge flow of bug in the computer's world. Computers which were used in corporate offices, banks, government firms etc, they all lost their databases and stopped working. So, why this had happened. What was the reason.

Reason behind Y2K bug flow:  This flow had a source which was nothing but calender's date issue. Most of the computer had calendar which was having date only upto year 1999. So, after 31st dec 1999, the next year i.e, year 2000 was not in it's calendar's database. So, after 1999 they all switched back to year 1900 and thus were started behaving peculiar. As we know very well if, we system restore our computer to a specific date then our computer starts freshly from that specific date. So, whatever programs that we are having after that date are gonna flush out from the system. So, similar thing had happened in year 2000.
So, eventually some patches were brought into action to fix that issue and finally calendars were given the dates after year 1999.

So, this issue is also known as "Millennium issue" of computer. If, you still curious to know more about it then go and google y2k bug, you will get more details about it. Well, it was a biggest problem or bug in the field of computer, thus we thought you should must be aware of it.
So, that's it guys for today. We will be back. Please like, share & subscribe because sharing is caring.