Saturday 28 January 2017

How to hide files inside an image in your android phone??

Hey guys, today we will be showing you the way you can hide your confidential data inside an image file so that, no one can see even one gets the file, one will see simply that image file only not the data inside that image file. We will use a command line tool for this and will pass on some commands to bind the data inside the image and later to unbind them.
So, name of the software is "TERMINAL EMULATOR" which i guess a few mb apk file which you can easily download from play store. So, go to play store ans search for it and install it. Don't worry, it is not required to root your android phone for this. So, root access is not necessary.

As you can see, i have already installed it in my android phone. So, it's giving me open option.
So, we assume you have installed that apk file and ready to go with it. In this tutorial we are having two files first a image file with name "img.jpg" and then move all your confidential files inside a new folder with name say secret and then make a zip file of that folder so that now we are having file with all the confidential files inside it.

Let me show you the size of both files i.e secret folder and img.jpg first.

So, you can see that size of img.jpg is 417 KB and that of is 1.45 MB.

Now time to go with terminal emulator.
Before that first delete secret folder cause you have already made a zip of that folder so, you no longer going to need it.
Now follow the steps....
1) Fired up terminal emulator.
2) Navigate to the path where you have placed those image and zip file. Well, in our case, we have moved them inside phone directory. So, redirect your terminal to that location by giving the command as
"cd storage/sdcard0" (Without  quotation mark of course and hit enter)

3) Then give the cat command to bind the zip file inside the image file.
"cat img.jpg > img.jpg"  (hit enter)

4) That's it. Now feel free to delete the file cause we are already having that file inside the img.jpg file. Let me show you the new size of img.jpg to give you proof which should be equal to size of file i.e 1.45 MB.

5) That's it. Now no one is gonna see that zip file ever. If you wanna see it for later then again open terminal and use unzip command to unzip file from img.jpg. So, command would be simply
"unzip img.jpg" (hit enter)

That's it. Now open phone directory, you wll find your file back again there.
So, guys i guess now you can hide files inside an image file in your android phone. That's it for now, we will see you soon with another tips and tricks.

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