Thursday 15 June 2017

How to see the list of saved wifi password on your android phone??

Hey guys, today i am gonna discuss the way to see the list of saved wifi password on your android phone. But before that make sure your android device has root access. If all set then let's jumped onto the practical.

There is configuration file in your android root directory which contains the list of saved wifi password but to get your hands into that directory, you need to have root access.
To see the list of password of your saved wifi network in your android phone follow the steps below but note that your phone must be rooted first...
 1) Install terminal emulator on your rooted android phone. Go to play store and download it. The logo of this app is given below so make sure you are installing the right application.

  2) Open terminal emulator and type the command given below.
"su" (hit enter)
Note: "su" stands for super user. If you are getting error after typing this command then most probably you don't have the root access. So, it could be a better way to check whether or not your android device has been rooted. Also note that after typing su command "$" sign get changed to "#" which means root access. I am attaching the screenshot below.

  3) Next command is cd command and the command goes below.
"cd /data/misc/wifi" (hit enter)
Note: cd stands for change directory. So by typing this command, we are jumping into the path of directory which is /data/misc/wifi.

 4) Then next command is cat command which goes below.
"cat wpa_supplicant.conf" (hit enter)

Note: cat command is used to display the content of a wpa_supplicant.conf file which contains all the saved wifi password.



Note: See the "psk" which is the password of your wifi. So if psk = 1234 So that means password corresponding to that wifi network is 1234 and ssid is the name of that particular wifi network.

5) That's it. Now type exit command two times to exit from terminal emulator where first exit command is to exit from root (notice the sign of "#" changes to "$" again that means you have left the root permission.) and second exit command is to exit or close the terminal emulator. Screenshot is given below.

 That's it. You can now see the list of saved password of all the wifi network. So, that's it for today guys, we will be back soon. Till then like, share & subscribe my blog.

Tuesday 9 May 2017

5 unforgettable eternal ancient indian scientists

Hello guys, today we are going to discuss about 5 most greatest scientists of India whose radiance became dimmer with time and the most shameful part is that we could not save their research books cause the british took them to their country and thus got the reward too. The best part comes when we realize that whatsoever had been searched by our greatest scientist is a part of our "Veda" and "Purana" which had been written much and much before birth of them. So imagine how great we Indians are and what kind of people they would be who had written the "Veda" and "Purana" by going beyond time in future being present in past. We are gonna dedicate this post as a small tribute to them.

1)  The Maharshi Aryabhata(महर्षि आर्यभट): We have entitled Aryabhat as "The Aryabhat" because no body can acquire the fraction part of the position which he had. While calculating the list of greatest scientists of ancient time, Aryabhat should must acquire the first place. The time when the whole world was busy in collecting food and water for their daily need, at that time Aryabhat the great had pointed out the truth of galaxy where the other countries were not even able to calculate 1,2,3. World knows that the exact relationship between earth and sun was pointed out by Nicolaus Copernicus but most of them don't know that Aryabhat had revealed it 1000 years before Copernicus. Aryabhat said that earth completes its revolution on its own axis around the sun along with the other planets of galaxy. He also told that earth as well as moon does not shine with their own light but they shine up due to light that comes from the sun. He also revealed almost correct circumference of the earth. Aryabhat also divided time along with earth's rotation. But the invention of "zero (0)" had made him eternal forever. Zero without which considering mathematics would be futile as well as the whole digital world runs over binary number i.e, the combination of "0" and "1" had been revealed by Aryabhat. This invention along with other invention had made him eternal forever. Aryabhata wrote many mathematical and astronomical treatises. His chief work was the ‘Ayrabhatiya’ which was a compilation of mathematics and astronomy. Aryabhata also did a considerable amount of work in astronomy. He knew that the earth is rotating on an axis around the sun and the moon rotated around it. He also discovered the position of nine planets and stated that these also revolved around the sun. He pointed out the eclipses; both lunar and solar. Aryabhata stated the correct number of days in a year that is 365. He was the first person to mention that the earth was not flat but in fact a spherical shape. He also gave the circumference and diameter of the earth and the radius of the orbits of 9 planets. He also came up with an approximation of pi (π) and area of a triangle. He introduced the concept of sine in his work called ‘Ardha-jya’ which is translated as ‘half-chord’.

2)  Maharshi Kanada(महर्षि कणाद): He is known as the father of Nuclear science. He had developed the theory of atom thousand years before the birth of John Dalton who had taken all the credits of invention of atom. He said that every matter of the world has made with atoms. He also revealed three laws of motion before the birth of Newton. Indian scientist and philosopher Kanada (Hindi : कणाद) had given Vaisheshika Sutra (in 600 BCE) which describes relation between forcce and motion etc which are as follow:
a) वेगः निमित्तविशेषात कर्मणो जायते |
  Means Change of motion is due to impressed force.
b) वेगः निमित्तापेक्षात कर्मणो जायते नियतदिक क्रियाप्रबन्धहेतु  |
 Means Change of motion is proportional to the impressed force and is in the direction of the force.
c) वेगः संयोगविशेषविरोधी |
Means: Action and reaction are equal and opposite.

 3) Maharshi Baudhayana( महर्षि बौधायन):  It was ancient Indian's mathematicians who discovered Pythagoras theorem. This might come as a surprise to many, but it’s true that Pythagoras theorem was known much before Pythagoras and it was Indian who actually discovered it at least 1000 years before Pythagoras was born! Baudhāyana listed Pythagoras theorem in his book called Baudhāyana Śulbasûtra (800 BCE). Incidentally, Baudhāyana Śulbasûtra is also one of the oldest books on advanced Mathematics. The actual shloka (verse) in Baudhāyana Śulbasûtra that describes Pythagoras theorem is given below :

"दीर्घचतुरश्रस्याक्ष्णया रज्जु: पार्श्र्वमानी तिर्यग् मानी च यत् पृथग् भूते कुरूतस्तदुभयं करोति ॥"
Means: A rope stretched along the length of the diagonal produces an area which the vertical and horizontal sides make together.
Circling the square:
Another problem tackled by Baudhayana is that of finding a circle whose area is the
same as that of a square (the reverse of squaring the circle). His sutra i.58 gives this
“Draw half its diagonal about the centre towards the East-West line; then
describe a circle together with a third part of that which lies outside the square”.

Square root of 2:
Baudhayana gives the length of the diagonal of a square in terms of its sides, which
is equivalent to a formula for the square root of 2. The measure is to be increased
by a third and by a fourth decreased by the 34th. That is its diagonal approximately.
That is 1.414216 which is correct to five decimals.
Other theorems include:
Diagonals of rectangle bisect each other, diagonals of rhombus bisect at right angles, area of a square formed by joining the middle points of a square is half of original, the midpoints of a rectangle joined forms a rhombus whose area is half the rectangle, etc.

 4) Maharshi Bhaskaracharya(महर्षि भास्कराचार्य): The first principle of gravity was stated by “Bhaskaracharya” and “not Newton”. Bhaskaracharya stated the laws of gravity in the book Surya Siddhanta in 11th century. Thus the law actually exists even before the birth of Sir Isaac Newton (Newton was born in the 16th century).
Here are some of the slokas from his book Surya Siddhanta that mentions how gravitation works :
"मरुच्लो भूरचला स्वभावतो यतो,विचित्रावतवस्तु शक्त्य:।।"
सिद्धांतशिरोमणि गोलाध्याय - भुवनकोश
आकृष्टिशक्तिश्च मही तया यत् खस्थं,गुरुस्वाभिमुखं स्वशक्तत्या।
आकृष्यते तत्पततीव भाति,समेसमन्तात् क्व पतत्वियं खे।।"

- सिद्धांतशिरोमणि गोलाध्याय - भुवनकोश

“madhye samantandasya bhugolo vyomni tisthati
bibhranah paramam saktim brahmano dharanatmikam”
 [Surya Sidhantha 12th chapter 32 sloka]

This means: The spherical earth stands at the centre of earth in space due to the dharanatmikam sakti which prevents earth from falling away and helps it to stand firm.

“akrsta saktisca mahi taya yat svastham guru svabhimukham svasaktya
akrsyate tatpatativa bhati same samantat kva patatviyam khe”
[Sidhanta Shiromani, Bhuvanakosa, 6th sloka]

This means: Every object falls on the ground due to earth’s force of attraction. This force allows the sun, earth, moon and constellations to stay in the orbit.

 5) Maharshi Sushruta(महर्षि  सुश्रुत): Maharshi Sushrut (600 BCE) :Father of Plastic Surgery
  a genius who has been glowingly recognized in the annals of medical science. Born to sage Vishwamitra,   Acharya Sushrut details the first ever surgery procedures in “Sushrut Samhita,” a unique encyclopedia of surgery. He is venerated as the father of plastic surgery and the science of anesthesia. When surgery was in its infancy in Europe, Sushrut was performing Rhinoplasty (restoration of a damaged nose) and other challenging operations. In the “Sushrut Samhita,” he prescribes treatment for twelve types of fractures and six types of dislocations. His details on human embryology are simply amazing.

Sushrut used 125 types of surgical instruments including scalpels, lancets, needles, cathers and rectal speculums; mostly designed from the jaws of animals and birds. He has also described a number of stitching methods; the use of horse’s hair as thread and fibers of bark.

In the “Sushrut Samhita,” he details 300 types of operations. The ancient Indians were the pioneers in amputation, caesarian and cranial surgeries. Acharya Sushrut was a giant in the arena of medical science.
Share this post to maximum people and let them all know about our eternal Indian scientist.

We are not saying that every invention has a root source of india but the beginning of scientific experiment was in india.

So, that's it for today guys. If you have any query then write it down to the comment section. We will be back very soon till then share this post because everyone should know about our marvelous indian scientists.

Tuesday 2 May 2017

12 ways to increase your computer speed

Hey guys, today we will be showing you the possible ways to avoid slowing down your computer. So let's get started.
Have you ever gone through an issue where you have to wait longer to boot or to start your computer up as well as to shut it down. Also you face issue while performing multitasking on your computer.
Then we will be showing you the possible ways to boost up your computer performance. Here are the number of possible steps that should be taken:

1) Clean up temporary files: Temporary files which are left on your computer can participate to slow down your computer. So better to clean them all. Steps are as below:
a) Click on start and search for "Run" or shortcut to get the run box directly is to just press window key plus R from your keyboard i.e (win + R ) at a time.

b) Once you get run box then within the run box type "%temp%" without the quotation marks and hit enter or click "ok".

c) Now delete all the .tmp files which are the temporary files on your computer. Path of the files are given below in the screenshot where username may vary according to username which your computer is having. In my case it is Rohit.

2) Check the list of programs that auto start with your computer: As we know more the number of auto start programs on boot up your computer can take much time to start or boot your computer. So better to check the list and disable some programs, if they don't worth auto start. Steps are as below:
a) Open start and type "Run" and hit enter as discussed above.
b) Type "msconfig" inside the run box but obviously without the quotation marks. Msconfig stands for Microsoft Configuration which is a configuration setting where you can enable or disable the services running
on your computer and also you can set default operating system on boot in case if you have more than one operating system.

c) Go to "startup" setting and disable those services which you think are not necessary to auto start while booting your operating system. Uncheck the services and select apply to apply the setting then select restart your computer option.

3) Uninstall the unnecessary programs: Check the list of installed softwares on your computer by going to Control panel and then programs and features. Check the list of installed programs. Uninstall the program which you think are not necessary for you. Sometimes while installing some softwares on your computer you will see some tiny software also get installed automatically with that software. It may be any virus or any unnecessary tool which takes up some space on your hard disk and affects the performance of your computer. So better to keep checking the list of installed packages/softwares on your computer regularly. Path of getting this window is given in the screenshot below.

4) Use Disk Cleanup Utility: This inbuilt tool of windows also delete the unnecessary files from your hard disk. So all you have to do is to just follow the steps below:
a) Right click on the drive where your operating system has been installed and select "Properties".

b) Then go to "General" tab. Select or click on "Disc Cleanup". It will calculate how much space you can free.

c) Once it gets completed, just select "ok" and then it will show you a confirmation message, so just click on "Delete Files" option there.

5) Do not play high definition games in low memory: If you don't have enough ram and graphics card in your computer then do not install hd games on your computer. As it will keep lagging your computer and thus slowing down your computer.

6) Delete unnecessary files: Delete unnecessary videos and files from your computer which are taking large space on your hard disk.

7) Do not use more than one antivirus: Some people install more than one antivirus on their computer thinking than it will enhance their computer security level. So if you one of them then let me tell you the truth that using more than one antivirus at a time can slow down your computer speed to much and much below. So better to use one antivirus at a time. Yes, you can use anti-malware software along with antivirus on your computer but do not use more than one antivirus at a time.

8) Use Cleaner softwares for your computer: Use some cleaner package for your computer. We recommend you to use CCleaner for your computer due to its excellent performance. Click on the link below to visit the download page and download cc cleaner for your operating system.

9) Manually delete program folders after uninstalling a program: Sometimes when you uninstall a program from your computer then though you have uninstalled the program but still the folder of that program exist inside of your program files whether in Program Files (*86) or Program Files. So all you need to do is manually delete those residual data of that program by going to program files folder which will be inside of the drive where you have installed your windows.

10) Use perfect uninstaller: Perfect uninstaller is a tool which will uninstall a program from your computer perfectly. It will delete all the junk files left over the drive along with the registry entry for that program inside of your windows registry. As we know when we install a program then a key associated with that program is created inside of the windows registry which is sometimes left inside the registry though after uninstalling that program. So using the perfect uninstaller tool will wipe every files, key of a program. Link to download this tool is given below. You can get it's key from internet easily. In case you don't get it then write it down below the comment section, we will give you the key for this software.

11) Disable Search Indexing: Disabling search indexing will free more space on your hard drive. To uncheck this follow steps below:
a) Right click on the drive and click on Properties.

 b) Now uncheck the box saying "Allow files on this drive to have contents indexed in addition to file properties" or see the screenshot below.

12) Defragment your hard drive: Defragmentation of your hard drive will free some space on your hard drive. Just select the drive to be defragmented and select properties option and then go to "tools" option then there would be an option saying "Defragment Now", so, select that option and follow the steps.

So guys, these were the possible ways which will surely increase your computer performance. If you have any doubt then write your query in comment section below. Till then please like, share & subscribe.

Tuesday 18 April 2017

What is footprinting or information gathering??

Hello everyone, today we are gonna discuss about a term called footprinting in the world of cyber security. So let's get started.

Footprinting or Information gathering: Footprinting is sometimes also called as information gathering. As the name suggests, it is all about gathering some kind of information. In the field of hacking, information are the private or personal data about our target. It is a primary stage of ethical hacking. We see in movies that an anonymous looking guy comes with a laptop and types some bunch of commands and hacks everything. So if you also think that hacking is that much easy then my friend let me clear your concept about hacking.  "A hacking is not a one click or one push button activity". It may be that easy in movies to fascinate the viewers but in real life the story is different. You can not hack anything without finding a security breaches of the system.

Footprinting is not a new concept. If i say that footprinting has been used from thousand of years then you will not believe us. So let me brush up your mind. Think about the king of our country in past who had many spies who were used to investigate about the weak as well as strong point of opposition team before a war. So that was nothing but an information gathering, right.
In the field of cyber security, footprinting is nothing but gathering all the information of our target before hacking the target. Once we have all the required data of our victim then we go and execute exploit by making any payloads or by any means.
You can use google as footprinting tool to get the required data. Also, go and check your target's social accounts and there you will get many information like his nickname, date of birth, address, qualification  and many more about his personal as well as  professional life. If he has a public privacy then you can get all those information easily. Next, use some footprinting tools to gather all the information about victim's computer like, what are the ports that are opened on victim's system, software installed on those ports and many more. If you don't know what is port of computer then i will suggest to go through our post about computer port. I will attach the link of that post at the end of this tutorial.
I will suggest to use kali linux because it has many preinstalled footprinting tools which you can use.

Some of footprinting tools are:
1) Nmap
2) Zenmap
3) whois
4) Nslookup
5) dmitry
6) dnmap
7) Amap
8) Faraday
9) Firewalk
10) hping3
And many more. After you are done with this phase i.e, footprinting then the next step would be Vulnerability Analysis of victim's system and once you get his vulnerable package then final step would be making a payload and exploit his system completely.
So, we guess you do have now a good understanding about footprinting or information gathering. If you still have any doubt then write it down to the comment section.

That's it for today. We will be back soon till then like, share & subscribe our blog.

Link to post about computer port:  Click Me!

Thursday 13 April 2017

What is the difference between updating and upgrading a software??

Hello everyone, a warm welcome to all of you on our blog. Today, we will discuss about the differences between updating and upgrading a software or a package.
We are damn sure that most of you don't know about the differences between updating and upgrading a package. Let us discuss about them in this post.

Update: Frankly speaking, it is nothing but applying some new patches and changes to the existing files on your computer to fix the bugs in a program. Suppose, you have installed a software on your system (may be on your phone or on your computer) and if you did not update it regularly and if there exists any bug in it's older version which you have on your system i.e, say you have a software with version say 5.112 and it's newer or latest version is having version 8.117 and if version 5.112 is having some loop hole or bug then it can be used by any hacker to hack your system surely. So, it is recommended to update your softwares time to time, so that, if former version contains some bugs then after updating it, the patches will be applied to it automatically. The update file is pretty much smaller in size than upgrade file.

 Upgrade: When we upgrade a program then first the existing files are uninstalled and a new one is being installed in it's place. So this takes significantly longer time and there are more changes to the program in an upgrade rather than there is with an update. Upgrade file is much larger than the update file for the same program.The main objective of update is to provide bug and error fixes to present existing files but main objective of upgrade is to introducing new features and functionality to an existing program.


So, update is used to refresh the installed package but it does not install any new packages which is only done by upgrading. Both requires restarting your system after finishing but still they are different. Update are kind of fixing the bugs of your house but upgrades are which fully renovate your house.

Note: We wrongly say that we have updated our windows from 7 to 8/8.1/10 but it is wrong because that is upgrading the windows not updating.
So that's it for today guys. We will back soon. Till then like, share & subscribe our blog to get the updates.

Thursday 6 April 2017

How to send a secret message to someone within an image without using any software??

Welcome guys to our blog. Today we will discuss about the way to send a private message to someone without using any third party software. In our blog, we have already discussed about how you can hide a folder containing many files inside an image file in an android phone. If you have not seen that post then we request you to have a look over that post. We will attach a direct link of that post at the end of this tutorial.

If you want to send a personal message to someone and you don't want anybody except the receiver of that message to read it then all you need to do is just use an image of any format i.e, .jpg, .png etc and then bind it with a text file containing the original message. Steps are as below:

1) Go to the location of the image file where you want to hide your message and then just hold the shift key button and right click on anywhere over the window, you will get an option saying "Open command window here". So just click on that option or else you have to open command prompt by going to start menu and click on "Run" and open Run box and then type "cmd" and hit enter and then you have to change the directory or path of command prompt to the directory or path of that image file where your image is. Well in my case, image is on desktop. So, i have opened cmd window and then navigate to desktop by using "cd" command i.e, "cd desktop". I am attaching the screenshot below.

2) Then all you have to do is just type the command below. Well in my case, image is an jpg file type with name "tom cruise.jpg". You will have to type the name of your image file with it's correct extension. Command is as below:
"notepad tom cruise.jpg:hidden"

After typing the above command press enter. You will see a blank notepad file has fired up i.e, like this

3) All you need to do is just write your secret message inside that blank notepad file and save the file simply by using shortcut (ctrl+ s) . For demo, i have just written a debit card details.

Secret Message
4) Now after saving the file, just close all windows and if you open that image then you will see the image normally as usual. i.e,

5) Send the image to whom you want to via email or by any means.

6) Our receiver will receive the image file and to recover the message, all he needs to is just open the command prompt over the same location where the image file is and type the same command i.e, in our case it will be as below:
"notepad tom cruise.jpg:hidden"

That's it. So, in this way we can send a secret message to someone.

Note: This will work in a ntfs file system only.

Click on this Link for the post regarding how to hide files inside an image in an android phone.

That's it for today guys. We will back soon. Till then like, share and subscribe our blog.

Sunday 2 April 2017

What is hacking and hacker's coloured hat??

Hello guys, a warm welcome to all of you on our blog. Today we are gonna discuss about what is computer hacking and it's type.
Firs of all before starting the session let me correct all of them who think hacking is an illegal activity. So for all of them who think like that, we wanna tell them all that "Hacking is not an illegal thing". Every knowledge can have two types of outcome i.e Positive and Negative. Now it all depends upon us that which outcome we are gonna select for us. Like if you wrestle well then either it may be your professional goal and you wanna raise your name in wrestling but if you are using it for physically harassing someone then it's all futile and you will surely get punished for your crime.
Similar thing fits well in all type of knowledge and how we use that knowledge.It should be noted that "A hacker is not a cracker". There is a famous saying "Every knowledge means self-knowledge" . So, it all depends upon us.

Hacking: In a simple way, definition of hacking would be"Gaining expertise in a definite field is called hacking". For example, if you are a good bike rider and you know nano to mega things about bike riding then you can call yourself a hacker of bike. Coming back to our today's topic, computer hacking is the gaining of expertise in computer's stuff like both hardware as well as software. A good hacker is one who has a balanced grip over both hardwares and softwares of computer. It takes years to be an expert because "It's not the tea that tastes good, it's hand which makes it to be good".

Types Of Hacker: Hackers are the geeks who have the expertise in computer security but as we told you earlier that depending upon outcome it all gets divided into some categories. So here are the categories of hackers:

White Hat Hacker: These are the people who does hacking with a white intention just like their name i.e white hat. They are professional hackers also known as “ethical hackers”, who work for the cyber security of a company. They first ask the company owner that we are gonna test your network security and then they make it confirm by signing a legal agreement. Then they attack the website and check for any security breaches or loop hole in the system. They are get paid for it. They also give donation to all the open source softwares, may be financially or by practically checking, modifying, updating the softwares. As open source software can be  reprogrammed or modified.

Grey Hat Hacker: As in life, there are grey areas that are neither black nor white. A gray-hat hacker falls   somewhere between a black hat and a white hat. A gray hat doesn’t work for their own personal gain, but they may technically commit crimes.
Grey hat hackers will look for vulnerabilities in a system without the owner’s permission or knowledge. If issues are found, they will report them to the owner, sometimes requesting a small fee to fix the issue. If the owner does not respond or comply, then sometimes the hackers will post the newly found exploit online for the world to see.
 These types of hackers are not inherently malicious with their intentions, they’re just looking to get something out of their discoveries for themselves. Usually, grey hat hackers will not exploit the found vulnerabilities. However, this type of hacking is still considered illegal because the hacker did not receive permission from the owner prior to attempting to attack the system.

Black Hat Hacker: Last but not the least, these are the guys who play with someone else privacy without any permission. They are bad guys in computer world. They hack bank accounts, social accounts, traffic signaling, government websites and so on. They harass people due to mainly three reasons i.e for personal, just for the sake of fun and for the sake of money. If your enemy is a black hat hacker then he will surely hack you and may leak your personal information on public. You know it's not the era of 80's. Everything is digital. Information can not be hidden. Black hat hacker hacks credit card or debit card details and sell those details on the internet and get paid for it.

So, we think now you do have an idea about hacking and it's type i.e, White, grey and black hat hacking. We also saw that both white as well as black hat hacker is an educated person but difference lies in the way of their working because it's you who choose and drop a place of your choice.

 Time to wrap up the show. We will be back soon. Till then like, share and subscribe.