Thursday 8 December 2016

Why we face signal issue while travelling??

Hey guys, today we will take you to an incident that we almost face in our daily life i.e when we travel in train or any vehicles then we see that signal of our phone fluctuates and some times it goes off completely and also call goes drop. So, why this happens. Here is the thing that one should know while travelling and bothering about the signal.

A signal is something that we use to transmit and receive the information with our nearest BTS(Base Transceiver Station or simply Cell Tower). Well, we are not going to much deeper with engineering terms. I will keep this simple. So, until and unless, you switch off or turn your phone on flight mode, the flow and hence fluctuation of signal will keep on going. So, if you wanna save your battery while travelling and you have nothing to do with your phone then better to go for flight mode or turn off your cell phone.

Fluctuation of signal of your phone is due to fact that your phone is connecting to new bts(cell tower) and also it goes away from connected tower due to you are in motion while traveling. So, Hand off is a process through which our phone switches to different bts i.e one to another and so on. Hence, we face signal issue while traveling. If time to switch between one bts to another will be more then if we are in call then our call goes drop or disconnect and we also face this problem while traveling.
But, if are in stationary and thus connected to a single bts due to the fact that we are not in motion, so time upto which our call maintains within a single bts without any hand off is called DWELL TIME.

So, we hope now you guys are aware of the facts that we face with the network of our phone while travelling in any vehicles. So, that's it for today we will see you soon.

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