Monday 24 October 2016

Processor, it's core and 32 vs 64 bit stuff with it


Hey geeks, welcome you all to my blog. Today, i am gonna give you a sound knowledge about processor and it's core and also how to choose the right processor in a simple way.
So, as the name suggest a Processor is something which does process some task for users. For example, if we hire someone to get a job done by him/her then we can say he/she is him/her self a processor for us that processes a definite task for us.
So, in digital world a processor performs several tasks like arithmetical & logical functions, external and internal interrupt subroutine tasks etc, Don't get confused by mouthful terms , i am going to make it simple for you.
Let's take an example of mobile. So, if we click a button on our phone then our phone reacts on each clicking . so, how it understands that what we want? For example, if we press home button then we switch to the home screen of our phone or if we press power off key then our cell phone goes shut down. So, this functions are handled by cpu (central processing unit)or processor of our phone. Similar explanation holds good for any electronic gadgets like computer , washing machine , ATM machine , robots etc in which a set programs or instructions are burned on the chip which helps the processor to perform tasks for the user and it's inbuilt tasks too .
So, a cpu  is the most busiest person of the world because it always performs some kind of task even if don't touch the gadgets.
A processor has following parts like
1)ALU (Arithmetic and Logic Unit)
2)Control Unit
ALU performs all the arithmetical and logical functions. Control unit is for controling  the whole unit. Registers are used to store the bits.

Bits are the binary numbers i.e 1 and 0. Every calculation that a processor performs are always in the streams of bits.

Core of a cpu/Processor  So now what is the core of a processor?? So, imagine you are the processor and your hands are the core. So, that means a quad core processor can do more works at a time then a dual core processor but that does not mean that a quad core processor is always good than a dual core processor or an octa core processor is always good than a quad core processor. So, on what factors it depends? So, let's discuss this.

How to choose the best processor

So, we always hear that a larger quantity is better than a smaller one i.e octa core is better than dual core.
So, is it really true??

So, a processor is good or not can be judged by following terms.
1)Architecture An “architecture” in this context means the instruction set and the design philosophy behind that instruction set. The vast majority of Android smartphones (and all iPhones) use CPUs based on the ARM architecture.ARM is a British company which is one of the largest semi conductor chip manufacturer.. it design the mobile processor and Cortex xx is term to define the core designed by ARM. ARM licenses (sells) it CPU designs to its customers (Snapdragon,Samsung,Apple are examples of some reputed customers)who then in turn build their own chips. These companies then use this processor chip,GPU chip and some IC to manufacture SoC. SoC is an integrated circuit(IC) that integrates all components (including CPU,GPU) into a single chip. Then these companies sell this SoC to the mobile manufacture companies.. Some popular SoC at present are Snapdragon 650,Apple A10 Fusion,Exynos 8890 etc.
2)Technology Second thing is the technology that is used to manufacture the processor. A processor consists of billions and millions of transistors of small size. So, a processor with minimum size of transistor would have greater speed and less power consumption. Currently , samsung company makes transistors of smallest size on the processor chip whose size is 14 NM. So, lesser the size of transistors on chip, higher the speed and lower the power consumption.
3)Number of cores  In simple language, a core is a processing unit which perform the given task.. Now a day, quad core,hexa core, octa core are very common in mobile processor. As discussed above it's not always true that higher the number of core of a processor , better the processor is. So, depending upon the above two quantities i.e architecture and technology , the core's numbers does vary. Suppose, you are having two types of processor say A and B and A has size of transistors inbuilt is lesser than B but suppose A is duel and B is quad core processor but still processor A leads the B due to smallest size of transistors on it.
4)Frequency It is the speed (in GHz) at which processor works. So, higher the frequency better the processor but still here architecture and technology comes first.
 So, first always check the architecture and the technology that has used to make the processor then comes the number of cores and frequency.

32 Vs 64 bit processor
 32 and 64 bit are the number of addresses that a processor can address. A 32 bit processor can only use ram upto size 4 GB. So, if you are having ram in your pc or mobile greater than 4 GB then switch to 64 bit processor because 32 bit processor can have 32 values of 0's and 1's only. Second thing is calculation range i.e a 32 bit processor can have calculation between 32 bit integer where as a 64 bit processor can have calculation between 64 bit integer. So, range of memory addressing and range of calculation is larger in a 64 bit processor than a 32 bit processor.

 So, now i guess you guys can estimate which processor is best and which is not. So, guys i while purchasing the phone or any smart electronic gadgets keep these things in mind because heating issue of a device, speed, battery life, etc all depends directly upon the processor. 

Wednesday 12 October 2016

Can an external storage be used as RAM?

Hey, guys we all know about RAM which stands for Random Access Memory. Well, that's a mouthful words. So , what actually it is??
So , suppose you are working in an office and messing with a lots of files and those files are inside an another room. So , the file which you need to work on , you will simply go to the room where all files are and will take that particular file only and put it on the desk and start working on your assignment.

So, now suppose to finish an assignment , you are going to need more than one file. So , you will fetch the room where files are and take those all files and put them on the desk and take those files one by one in order to finish the assignment. Now , if your desk has large area then it means it can hold more files at a time. Now, when you are done with those files then you will simply put them all in that room where files are kept. So , the RAM works like that i.e, suppose the room is your storage(internal memory, sd card etc) and the desk is your RAM. So , ram is a very fast memory and cost to manufacturing a 1 GB ram is more than a 16 GB sd card or pen drive.RAM works with cpu and in order to work with cpu , it has to be match with the speed of cpu and that's why RAM is very much faster than hard disk , pen drive, sd card, dvd, etc. So , if you install a game in your phone or pc then though it stores inside your sd card or internal memory or hard disk but when you click on the game to play with , so for the time being , it will come into action inside the ram until  you are playing the game in order to transfer information between the cpu and ram.So , depending upon how much ram you are having , you can run more and more application at a time. So, having more ram is an extra benefit for multitasking purpose. So , today at least 2 GB ram is sufficient to run any application but having more ram is best for some future's application.So , for multitasking purpose , 2GB ram is the minimum requirement. 


Some people thinks that after rooting the smart phones , they can increase their ram. So , it's entirely a misconception. Yeah , there are some apps which can convert your external or internal memory into ram but can it really work as your ram?? No , it can not. Speed of ram is very much faster in order to communicate with cpu to transfer information whereas on the other hand speed of external ram or internal memory can never ever match with the speed of your inbuilt ram of your phone or ram of your pc. Some people think that using ready boost they can use pen drive as a ram but its not 100% true due to a huge speed difference between ram and a pendrive or external storage. If you use an external storage as a ram then  it will slow down the speed of your phone or pc rather then increasing the speed.
RAM has speed in MHZ which divides it into category of DDR2 or DDR3 and so on. So, having more ram with high frequency is good for you.
DDR3 has more speed and less power consumption than DDR2.Similarly , DDR4 has more speed and less power consumption than DDR2 and DDR3. A DDR3 ram has minimum speed that is equal to maximum speed of DDR2.If you are having 8 GB of ram in your pc and you are thinking to take whether a single stick ram of 8 GB or a dual stick of 4 GB then i will suggest you to take dual sticks of 4 GB ram because though you will have 8 GB total but the speed will be enhanced due to dual sticks ram. It is similar like a a double hole in tank can empty the tank more fastly than a single hole.
So, guys i think you now do have basic ideas about ram and common myth regarding ram. I will be back soon with another technical concept like this.

Monday 10 October 2016

Smart Tech For Mobile Section

Where is the storage of my sd card or pendrive??

Hey , guys i am damn sure that you all wonder that why your sd card or pendrive always has some little less storage compare to printed quantity on the cover. So, if you really wanna get a solution to this problem then read my blog.
So, all we know from our digital knowledge that
  Convention 1

 1 Byte=8 Bit
1024 Byte=1 KB
1024 KB=1 MB
1024 MB=1 GB
1024 GB=1 TB
so , these were the standard formula that we all know but the manufacturing company which makes storage , they face trouble while an external 24. So, better for their simplification they assume that..
Convention 2

 1 Byte=8 Bit
1000 Byte=1 KB
1000 KB=1 MB
1000 MB= 1 GB
1000 GB=1 TB 
So, now suppose you have purchased a memory card of size 32 GB. So , according to you , it should be of 32 GB but according to their calculation ,  it is
32 GB=32,000,000,000 Bytes (As they follow Convention 2)
So, now lets us calculate that from our part of calculation i.e , from convention 1 , how many GB would be equal to 32,000,000,000 Bytes????
so, it would be as .....>>  (32,000,000,000)/(1024*1024*1024) GB=29.80 GB
or may be a little bit less or more that above calculate quantity i.e, from  29.80 GB.
So, guys now i guess , you do have idea that why you don't get the actual storage that is printed over the memory card cover.

If you guys find this informative then please like and comment. I will be back with another important information like this.

How To Shutdown Windows Via Command Windows

 Hey , geeks today i will show you that how you can shutdown your windows in sec. Follow these steps
1) Click on start and type "cmd" and open it with administrative privilege.
2)Then simply type "shutdown -s -t 00" without quotes.
3)Hit enter.
3)That's it , your pc will be shut down immediately.